Coffee review

Hand-selected coffee beans how to distinguish between good and bad coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee machine: according to your description, your coffee machine may be a traditional siphon coffee machine or a general drip coffee machine. You can look for pictures online. Roast raw coffee beans: don't use the oven. In a clean, dry pan (do not put oil), stir-fry the raw coffee beans at a low temperature for 10-30 minutes. You can judge the specific time by trying the beans (chewing directly).

Coffee machine: according to your description, your coffee machine may be a traditional siphon coffee machine or a general drip coffee machine. You can look for pictures online.

Roast raw coffee beans: don't use the oven. Use a clean, dry pan (do not put oil), low temperature flat raw coffee beans stir-fry for 10-30 minutes, the specific time you can judge by trying beans (direct chewing), personal favorite taste, stir-frying time will be different. Turn off the fire when you are close to your ideal taste and spread the fried coffee beans to cool. In this process, because of the remaining temperature, the beans will continue to react, so you can't turn off the fire when it tastes right. Do not put cold beans on kitchen paper, because coffee beans are rich in oil, which will affect the taste if the oil is sucked away.

Grinding: in the absence of a grinder, wrap the fried beans with plastic wrap and smash them with a hammer. Don't smash it at once, smash as much as you drink.

Suddenly I feel bored because I have done all these things at home. Sweat ~ ~ I hope you can make a good cup of coffee