Coffee review

Where is the largest coffee producer in the world? where is the best coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, . Colombia: it is the second largest coffee producer in the world, accounting for 12% of the world's total output, after Brazil. Colombian coffee beans are of neat quality and can be called the standard beans among coffee beans. Colombian coffee beans are large in shape, light green, with a special thick flavor, and are widely favored for their rich and unique aroma. The taste is sweet in acid and low in bitterness, with the degree of baking.

. Colombia is the world's second largest coffee producer, accounting for 12% of the world's total production, second only to Brazil. Colombia coffee beans are neat in quality and can be called the standard beans in coffee beans. Colombia coffee beans are large in shape, light green in color, with a special heavy flavor, and are widely favored for their rich and unique aroma. The taste is sour with sweet, low bitterness, with different baking degree, can lead to multi-level flavor.

3. Mocha: Good Arabian flavor, dry with wine acidity, good alcohol, strong pure texture, with wonderful dark chocolate finish. Origin is Africa's Ethiopia, its unique aroma and excellent acidity, coupled with the taste of glycol, very primitive flavor. Mocha coffee items also have a lot of people like to taste, because of its strong taste, and has a unique aroma, so there are many bar masters like to use it to prepare iced coffee, plus sugar and creamer, its aroma is excellent.

4. Mantelin: is the best combination of flavor and concentration of coffee, its particles are larger, beans are quite hard, in the blue mountain has not yet appeared, mantelin was regarded as the best coffee, because of its rich mellow taste, not astringent acid, alcohol, bitterness and aroma high, quite with personality. Taste carefully, lips and teeth still have a hint of chocolate and nutty flavor.

5. Italy: The country does not produce coffee, it is mainly based on coffee, pay attention to the taste of strong, suitable for Espresso and other flavors of coffee, or cappuccino and other fancy coffee. Drink it for a few days after baking.

6. Charcoal: bitter strong, special flavor, bitter in glycol, rich charcoal flavor.

7. Blue Mountain: sour, sweet, bitter, aromatic, strong alcohol have reached a wonderful balance, so Blue Mountain coffee to taste in the form of single coffee, the most able to enjoy the coordinated balance of taste. In addition, Blue Mountain coffee is rare and precious, so it enjoys the reputation of the world's most advanced variety. In a word, balance, the perfect combination of elements. The overall texture is pleasant and charming.

8. Hawaiian Kona: Raw beans come from volcanic areas on the southwest coast of Hawaii; they are high-quality Arabica seeds, soft fruit acidity and strong alcohol, smooth taste, sweet and refreshing taste with a slight floral fragrance, rich silky taste, sweet and full, so that you have a very pleasant and exciting feeling when you eat, suitable for friends with heavy taste.

9. Java: Java produces fine aromatic coffee with relatively low acidity, fine taste, good balance and bitter taste.

10. Kenya: beans round, thick flesh, good heat permeability, high degree of refinement, the use of carbon baking, taste thick sweet, with mellow, better expansion, aroma and sweetness are top grade.

11. Decaffeinated coffee: There are many people who like to drink attractive coffee, but some people are more sensitive to caffeine, and even affect sleep, but decaffeinated coffee can solve this problem, decaffeinated coffee is also called decaffeinated coffee, because the caffeine content is very low and get its name, it needs to be pointed out that any kind of coffee can not be completely decaffeinated, but the caffeine content is extremely low