Coffee review

The Development History of Coffee when did coffee flow into China

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, "the History of Coffee" only people who know how to appreciate coffee will know how to taste coffee. Just like those who love life, they will know how to cherish the happiness at present. Because happiness is the calendar of vicissitudes of life

"the History of Coffee" only people who know how to appreciate coffee will know how to taste coffee. Just like those who love life, they will know how to cherish the happiness at present. Because happiness is a state of mind that has gone through all the vicissitudes of life and hardships. When coffee has become a necessity of life, a kind of physical enjoyment, a kind of spiritual pleasure, and a pursuit of fashion, this once mysterious drink, which is among the three largest drinks in the world, is no longer the luxurious enjoyment of that year, let alone some kind of "symbol of decadent life". It has become ordinary, ordinary, and calmly placed in our complicated life. Silently dedicate oneself, hide its glory and glory, like so many things in our life that turn a blind eye, people enjoy its mellow, strong, fragrant at the same time, have no time to consider its life experience, its history.

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There is no way to examine the source of coffee. One of the many legends refers to the highlands of Cafa province in southwestern Ethiopia. It is said that a shepherd became very excited and lively when he discovered that the sheep had eaten a plant more than a thousand years ago, so he discovered coffee. It is also said that due to a wildfire, a coffee forest was destroyed and the smell of barbecue coffee attracted the attention of the surrounding residents. People first chewed the fruit of this plant to refresh themselves, then baked and ground it and mixed it with flour to make bread, which was used as food for warriors to improve their courage to fight. However, these legends are lack of historical documents, and only appear in later travel biographies, so there is no way to prove the real reason for the origin of coffee.

It was not until around the 11th century that people began to use boiled coffee as a drink. In the 13th century, Ethiopian troops invaded Yemen and brought coffee to the Arab world. Because the Islamic doctrine forbids people to drink alcohol, some religious people think that this kind of drink stimulates the nerves and violates the doctrine. Coffee shops were banned and closed for a time, but the Egyptian sultan thought that coffee was not against the doctrine, so the ban was lifted. Coffee drinks quickly became popular in the Arab region. The word coffee Coffee, which comes from the Arabic Qahwa, which means "plant drink", later spread to Turkey and became the source of the word in European languages. The method of growing and making coffee has also been continuously improved and perfected by the Arabs.

However, before the 15th century, coffee had long been monopolized by the Arab world and spread only among Muslim countries; at that time, it was mainly used in medicine and religion. Muslim doctors and monks admit that coffee has the functions of refreshing, brain-awakening, stomach-strengthening, body-building and hemostasis; the use of coffee has been documented since the beginning of the 15th century and integrated into religious ceremonies during this period. At the same time, it also appeared in the folk as a daily drink. Because alcohol was strictly prohibited in the Muslim world, coffee became a very important social drink at that time. Until the 16th and 17th centuries, coffee was introduced into Europe through the merchants of Venice and the Dutch hegemony of the sea. soon, this black drink, which was full of oriental mystery and rich aroma, was competed by the aristocratic gentry class. the price of coffee also rose with the tide, and even became known as "black gold". At that time, it was popular for aristocrats to send coffee beans to each other on special days to show their carnival. Or to relatives and friends who have not seen each other for a long time, there is money in the pocket, congratulations on success, but also a status symbol. And "Black Gold" in the next surging era of navigation, through the spread of shipping, the whole world has been brought into the production and consumption of coffee.