Coffee review

Whether there are more kinds of coffee beans, which kind of coffee beans are suitable for hand brewing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mountain coffee: from Jamaica. Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet and mellow flavors of coffee. The aroma is very rich, mellow and smooth, with long-lasting fruit flavor, forming a strong and attractive elegance, which is unmatched by other coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee is the best of the best, with a price of several thousand dollars per pound. Currently, Ja

Mountain coffee: from Jamaica. Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet and mellow flavors of coffee. The aroma is very rich, mellow and smooth, with long-lasting fruit flavor, forming a strong and attractive elegance, which is unmatched by other coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee is the best of the best, with a price of several thousand dollars per pound. At present, the Jamaica government has never exported blue mountain caffeine like it did at home, in other words, there is no real blue mountain coffee in the country.

(2) Brazilian coffee: there are many kinds of coffee, most of which are moderately acidic, its sweet, bitter and mellow tastes are neutral, moderate concentration, smooth and special taste, known as the backbone of coffee, but also a very good blending bean.

(3) Colombian coffee: produced in Colombia, roasted coffee beans will release a sweet fragrance, with sweet in the acid, bitter in the balance of quality, and moderate concentration, and with persistent fruit aroma. It is very nutritious, highly balanced and sometimes nutty.

(4) Manning Coffee: produced in Indonesia's Sumatra Islands, full of grains, with a very strong flavor, spicy bitterness, people who especially like it will indulge in its bitterness. At the same time, it also has syrup flavor and skillful taste, while the sour taste is not prominent, but it has a strong mellowness, which is a favorite variety of Germans, and coffee lovers mostly drink it on their own. It is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee.