Coffee review

The Origin of Coffee beans the treatment of coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The origin of coffee: where does the word coffee come from? some people think that it comes from a region called Kaffa (caffa) in Ethiopia, which sounds similar to coffee. However, the early inhabitants of the Kaffa region called coffee Djimmas, and the Arab world did not use Kaffa to represent coffee, so this is likely to be a phonetic aphorism for Westerners. The early Arabs used to

The origin of coffee: where does the word coffee come from? some people think that it comes from a region called Kaffa (caffa) in Ethiopia, which sounds similar to "coffee". However, the early inhabitants of the Kaffa region called coffee Djimmas (sounds like "Gima"), and the Arab world did not use Kaffa to represent coffee, so this is likely to be a phonetic aphorism for Westerners. In the early days, Arabs used to call coffee with the sounds of Choua, Kauhi, or Coffa. After the Turks introduced coffee from the Arab region, they changed what they called Qahwah in the Middle East to Turkish pronounced Qahveh. Later, Europeans called coffee according to this pronunciation. The Italians changed Qahveh to Caffe, while English-speaking countries replaced a with the vowel o, which evolved into today's Coffee. According to historical records, the Pinyin word Coffee first appeared in England in 1601 AD. All historians seem to agree that the birthplace of "coffee" is the Kaffa region of Ethiopia, but the earliest people who planned to grow and eat coffee were Arabs, so the name coffee is thought to derive from the Arabic "Qahwah", which means "plant drink".

There are different opinions about the origin of coffee, and the credible ones are roughly divided into two categories, one is the widely circulated "legends of shepherds", and the other is the "legends of Sheikh Omar" that are popular among Islamists.

The legend of the shepherd

The legend of the shepherd originated from the Lebanese linguist Fast Nelloni, who recorded in his 1671 book the Sleepless Monastery: in the 6th century AD, in the Kaffa region of the Ethiopian Plateau of Africa, a shepherd named Kadi went to the new prairie to graze, and suddenly found the sheep jumping and excited, so he could not sleep even at night, so he ran to the Abyssinia Monastery for help. After the investigation of the abbot and monks, it was found that the goat was particularly excited after eating the red fruit on the bushes, so it was picked back and boiled into soup to drink, and sure enough, it could not sleep all night. So the dean distributed the soup to the monks who dozed off in the evening service, and the effect was excellent, and this refreshing medicine spread. This is the origin of coffee.

The legend of Sheikh Omar

The legend of Sheikh Omar is the story recorded by the Islamist Abdar Qadi in his Book of Coffee in 1587. The stage of the story is in the Yemeni mountains of the 13th century: in 1258, Shek Omar, the chief expelled by his people for crime, was hungry and tired when he wandered to Vasaba, Arabia, far from his hometown of Mocha. when he sat on the root of a tree to rest, he found a bird perched on a branch, singing in a melodious voice he had never heard before. When he looked carefully, he found that the bird was pecking at the fruit on the branch before making this wonderful cry, so he picked the fruit from that area and put it into a pot to boil it with water, which soon began to give off a strong fragrance. After drinking, he not only felt sound and delicious, but also relieved physical and mental exhaustion, so he picked many of these magical fruits and made soup for them when he met patients. Because of his good deeds everywhere, the king and his old friends pardoned his crimes, asked him to return to his hometown and respected him as a "saint".

After textual research, it has been recognized that coffee originated in Ethiopia in Africa. The cultivation and horticultural promotion of coffee originated in Arabia.