Coffee review

What is coffee knowledge? What time is not suitable for drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years, the coffee market has also been expanding, and the variety of coffee has become more and more. Today, I will introduce 9 kinds of coffee that we common. 1, Brazil (South America) Sandos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other types of coffee beans into a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice. 2. Colombia (South America) Mantenin: rich and solid taste

In recent years, the coffee market is also expanding, and the types of coffee are becoming more and more. Today, I would like to introduce to you 9 kinds of coffee that we often see.

1, Brazil (South America) Santos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans into a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice.

2. Colombia (South America) Manning: the palate is rich and solid, with a pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma.

When is coffee knowledge not suitable for drinking coffee

3. Mexico Coatepec, Huatusco, Orizaba: comfortable taste with charming aroma.

4. Blue Mountain Coffee: the sour, sweet and bitter tastes are very harmonious and have excellent flavor and aroma. It is suitable for individual coffee and moderate roasting.