Coffee review

The types of coffee beans what are the common ones?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Mamba Coffee: Mantning with Brazil, fragrant and delicious, strong and delicious, is the perfect match for coffee. Conna Coffee: coffee beans cultivated from lava in the Conna area of Hawaii have a slightly wine aroma and a very unique flavor. Santos Coffee: mainly produced in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, moderately sour, special and elegant. Java coffee: produced in India

Mamba Coffee: Mantning with Brazil, fragrant and delicious, strong and delicious, is the perfect match for coffee.

Conna Coffee: coffee beans cultivated from lava in the Conna area of Hawaii have a slightly wine aroma and a very unique flavor.

Santos Coffee: mainly produced in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, moderately sour, special and elegant.

Java coffee: produced in Java, Indonesia, belonging to Arabica coffee. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong and the aroma is very light, without sour taste.

Guatemala Coffee: with excellent sour and sweet taste, it is the best material for mixed coffee and is suitable for deep roasting.

Mount Kilimanjaro: sour, sweet, pure and fragrant all belong to the top grade. Medium roasting will give off sweetness and light sour taste, while deep roasting will produce soft bitterness, which is suitable for mixing coffee.

Brazil (South America) Santos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans into a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice.

Manning, Colombia (South America): the palate is rich and solid, with a pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma.

Supremo, Colombia (South America): unique aroma, bitter taste with sweet taste unforgettable.

Mexico Coatepec, Huatusco, Orizaba: comfortable on the palate with charming aromas.

Blue Mountain Coffee: sour, sweet, bitter taste are very harmonious and have excellent flavor and aroma, suitable for individual coffee, suitable for moderate roasting.

Hawaiian coffee: with a strong sour taste and unique aroma, moderately roasted beans with a strong sour taste, deep-baked flavor please climb to a higher floor.

Brazilian coffee: sour and bitter taste can be mixed by baking, moderate roasting soft flavor, moderate taste, deep baking has a strong bitter taste, suitable for blending coffee