Coffee review

The types of coffee beans all over the world introduce the treatment of taste and flavor.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The world's largest producer of high-quality coffee, traditional deep-roasted coffee has a strong and memorable taste. Colombian coffee is one of the few original coffee sold in the world under the name of the country, which is the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans. Rich in nutrients, some with nutty flavor. It is often described as having a silky taste. Of all the coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The types of coffee beans all over the world introduce the treatment of taste and flavor.

Coffee varieties Daquan:

If the variety of coffee is divided by biology, it can be divided into Arabica, Robusta and Liberica. The main drinking varieties in the world are Arabica and Robusta. Lieberica is often overlooked because of its low yield or poor quality.

Generally speaking, Arabica is mainly used in single or boutique coffee, while Robusta is used to make instant coffee. Although Arabica can be defined as premium coffee and Robusta as secondary, it does not have to be classified in this way, and it is more appropriate to distinguish it according to its own favorite taste. In terms of taste, the United States and Japan drink light coffee made from Arabica more often, while Europe prefers Italian concentrate made from a mixture of Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica: coffee beans with good flavor and aroma

Arabica is a representative variety of Ethiopia of origin. It is also produced in South Africa, Africa, Asia and other countries, accounting for 70%, 75% of the world's coffee production. Arabica has weak resistance to diseases and insect pests, so the highland area is more suitable for cultivation, especially the quality of Arabica coffee beans produced in the highland above 1500 meters is the best.

The good quality produced by the effort like this, with a balanced flavor, taste and aroma, can be certified as high-grade coffee beans, mainly used in individual coffee or boutique coffee. The three well-known coffee beans: Kona in Hawaii, Blue Mountain in Jamaica and Moka in Yemen, belong to the Arabica variety. Arabica raw beans have a dark, narrow appearance, known as the highest quality of high-quality Arabica varieties, characterized by sweet, sour and aroma and other rich flavor.

Robusta: strong sour taste and strong taste

Robusta is of African origin and accounts for 30% of the world's coffee production. The word Robusta means "tenacity". In fact, this kind of coffee tree is not only resistant to diseases and insect pests, but can survive in any soil, even in the wild. Therefore, it can also be planted in high-temperature areas, growing fast and easy to cultivate, and has the advantage of low price, which is mainly used to mix beans or make instant coffee as the main raw material. Some Robusta produced in India, Africa, Brazil and other places have a strong sour taste, high caffeine content and rich taste.

As a very important variety in the coffee world, Robusta plays an important role in the business world. The value of Robusta is not as a negative example to set off how advanced the flavor of Arabica is, but has an unshakable position in Italian beans. Italian blending will add a small amount of Robusta to the blend to increase the alcohol thickness of the coffee and produce a more oil-rich Espresso.

Espresso and milk blend to show a mellow and full-bodied taste, milk coffee because of Robusta and Arabica complement each other, become more full-bodied and mellow, Robusta makes up for Arabica's mellow.

Recently, there are also varieties of Arabusta, which mate with Arabica varieties and have better taste and aroma.

The appearance of Robusta is bulging oval, and raw beans are light brown or yellowish brown with grass green and yellow luster.

Coffee variety Essex sa variety

Ethel sa is a variety discovered in 1904, which is native to the Charlie River Basin in Africa, with small fruit and high yield per plant, especially a drought-resistant variety. The product has a strong flavor, slightly bitter taste and less cultivation.

Coffee variety iron pickup

Typic: the oldest native variety in Ethiopia, all Arabica are derived from Tibika. The top leaf of Tiebika is bronzed and the bean body is oval or thin in shape; the flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor and the fruit yield is less. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika. One of the characteristics is that the top leaf of Tibica is bronzed.

Typic raw beans are slightly warped at both ends and oval in appearance. The bean body is flat and thin from the side. Even if the altitude of the planting area is different, the thickness of the side of the raw bean will not be too different.

[gene mutant-Tieka variety]

Iron pickup mutant Sumatra manning

The main producing areas of Indonesian coffee are Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, of which "Manning" from Sumatra is the most famous.

Lintong is also known as Sumatran Coffee, Lake Tawa at the north end can be called Aceh Coffee or Lake Tawa Coffee, and the area between Lindong Coffee and Lake Toba can be called Manning.

Mantenin has a strong taste, with a strong mellow and rich and lively sense of movement, neither astringent nor sour, mellow and bitter can be fully revealed. The appearance of Mantenin coffee beans is arguably the ugliest, but coffee fans say that the worse the Sumatran coffee beans are, the better, mellow and slippery they are.

Four mantenines were collected, namely:

Gold Mandheling

SumatraIsland, Mandehling Longberry, Timtim Belangele (timtim Mantenin)

Lin Dong Manning G1 Lintong Mandheling Grade-1

Emerald Mantenin (Aceh, Sumatra)

Image above: gold manning Gold Mandheling raw beans

Image above: horse Manning full-sun raw beans, which are crossed between Arabica and Robusta, called Timor and timtim in Indonesia.


Timor Hybrid, which translates to East Timor hybrid, that is, the hybrid of Arabica and Robusta. The familiar Catimor is hybridized with it again.

Tim Tim---- horse face Manning longberry

Tim Tim is a bean from Indonesia. Because of its long shape, many people call it Ma Mian Dou, and some people call it long Manning. In fact, tim tim is not a purebred bean, but a natural cross between Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee, which was discovered on the island of timor in the 1940s and cultivated for its natural disease resistance. In America this variety is called Hybrido de Timor, or Tim Tim for short, and in Indonesia it is also called Bor Bor.

Image above: Lin Dong Manning G1, although the grade is Grade-1, it is still difficult to change the characteristics of high defect rate of Indonesian beans, about 8% of defective beans.

Image above: Emerald Manning (Aceh, Aceh, Sumatra), 19 mesh +, raw beans are green and full, glittering and translucent, like an emerald

Iron pickup variety Lanshan

Blue Mountain (BlueMountain): blue Mountain, which is popular all over the world and hard to get a bean, comes from the iron pickup family.

The history of Jamaican coffee can be traced back to the 18th century. The British introduced coffee trees to Jamaica and planted coffee in the Blue Mountains, which is divided into high-altitude Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, Jamaican Alpine Coffee and Jamaican Coffee. Different grades also determine different prices.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

(Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee), of which Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are each divided into four grades. From top to bottom in terms of quality, NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB,PB are round beans. According to CIB standards, only coffee grown above 666m above sea level is called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Jamaican alpine coffee

(Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans) the coffee produced in the Blue Mountain area of Jamaica is called Alpine Coffee, which is second only to Blue Mountain Coffee in quality, and is called the brother breed of Blue Mountain Coffee by industry insiders. Jamaica Blue Mountain caffeine produces very little, so if you want to taste Jamaican flavor coffee, then Jamaican Alpine Coffee is your best choice.

Jamaican Coffee

(Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Coffee is grown outside the Blue Mountains and is called Jamaican coffee. It turns out that people in the coffee industry in China generally have a wrong understanding that only coffee grown in the Blue Mountains above 1800 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee. In fact, there is only one manor on the top of the Blue Mountains above 1800, that is, Amber, which is of Chinese descent. The owner of the manor is surnamed Lyn (Lin). Originally from Guangdong, China, the manor has a land area of only 30 hectares and its output is very small. Blue Mountain Coffee is mainly distributed in 5 mountainous areas such as John Crow,St.John's Peak,Mossman's Peak,High Peak,Blue Mountian Peak in the Blue Mountains.

Iron pickup variant of Hawaii Kona

Kona: although planted at an altitude of several hundred meters, Kona from the Big Island of Hawaii, with a mild sea breeze and fertile volcanic soil, has an incomparably clean sour and sweet taste. Compared with the blue mountains with higher elevations, it is even worse.

Iron pickup mutant elephant bean

A mutant of Maragogype,Typica having large long twisted fruit and long internodes and large leaves. The output is relatively low.

It was first discovered in 1870 in the Maragogype bean-producing area of the state of Bahia in northeastern Brazil that the bean was at least three times larger than the average Arabica, hence the name. The taste of elephant bean is poor in low altitude area, but it has better flavor at high altitude, mild sour taste and sweet fragrance. (elephant beans on the left of the picture above)

On the right side of the picture above is the elephant bean.

Iron pickup mutant Pacamara

Pacamara: the hybrid variety of Pacas (Pacas) and elephant bean (Maragogype), with a large bean body second only to elephant bean, is an excellent variety produced in El Salvador in the 1950s, and has achieved good results in cup test in recent years.

Kent, a variety of iron pickups.

Kent: the hybrid variety of Tibika found in India has high yield and strong disease resistance, but it has not achieved good results in the cup test.

Bourbon coffee bourbon species

Bourbon: a variant of the early (prehistoric coffee) Tibika that changed its shape from thin to round after it was transplanted to Yemen. It was named bourbon in 1715 after France transplanted round beans from Yemeni mocha to the island of Bourbon on the east coast of Africa (renamed Reunion after the French Revolution). Bourbon beans spread to Brazil and Central and South America in 1727, and the British transplanted Yemeni mochas to St. Helena Island (where Napoleon was later imprisoned) in 1732. Bourbon is the winner of the American boutique coffee cup test.

Bourbon, the second species caused by the Typica mutation, is the oldest coffee variety in existence, and the green fruit appears bright red when it is ripe.

[gene mutant-bourbon variety]

Bourbon Coffee Red Bourbon

After the red bourbon general coffee tree blossoms and bears fruit, the color change of the coffee fruit is: green > turn yellowish > turn slightly orange > turn mature red > turn more ripe dark red, so some people also call it [red bourbon], in fact, red bourbon, that is, what we call bourbon species. Bourbon planted at high altitude usually has a better aroma, while the acid is brighter and even tastes like red wine.

Generally speaking, bourbon is a coffee tree that belongs to a branch of Arabica species, generally bearing red fruit, called red bourbon, in addition to yellow bourbon, orange bourbon, yellow bourbon relatively low yield, but better quality.

Bourbon coffee yellow bourbon

On the other hand, the yellow bourbon species is a hybrid between the bourbon species and other varieties. Because of its low yield and relatively intolerant to wind and rain, it has not been widely planted. However, when planted in high altitude areas, it will have excellent flavor performance, which is more common in recent years. Yellow Bourbon, Huang bourbon, the mature consequence is actually yellow, was first found in Brazil, and now mainly grows in Brazil. It is generally thought that it may have been mutated by a cross between a bourbon with red fruit and a variety of iron pickup with yellow fruit called "Amerelo de Botocatu".

Taste characteristics: sweet and smooth fruit sweetness, obvious nutty flavor, balanced and supple acidity, weak and clean bitterness, rich chocolate aroma and nutty flavor, bright and fresh taste.

Bourbon coffee powder bourbon

Pink bourbon, as its name implies, its coffee cherries are romantic pink when ripe. It is a very rare new variety, which is bred by the cross between red bourbon and yellow bourbon. The reason why pink bourbon is rare is that it is difficult to maintain this beautiful pink, sometimes some orange bourbon will be harvested, that is because the color of coffee fruit is ultimately determined by the recessive genes in the pollen grains. Among the pollen grains we selected for hybridization, there are both yellow genes inclined to yellow bourbon and red genes inclined to red bourbon, and these are recessive genes, which are very easy to interfere with each other.

At present, pink bourbon can be seen in Colombia and Guatemala. Take this batch of pink bourbon coffee as an example, there are about 1800 coffee trees. Each tree produces about 1.8kg fresh fruit in the first production season. After peeling and pulp treatment, about 0.36kg coffee beans are obtained. In a normal production season, the output of this batch of coffee is less than 650kg.

Taste characteristics: sweet orange, sweet sugarcane, pleasant juice, small tomato

Bourbon variety pointed body bourbon

Pointed Bourbon (Bourbon Pointu): found in Bourbon Island in 1810, beans changed from round to pointed, with only half the caffeine content, but in small amounts, weak and extremely precious (mostly cultivated in the laboratory).

Bourbon Pointu has two other names, Laurina and Leroy, but neither is as loud as the first name. The reason why it is called sharp bourbon is that the bean shape is long and narrow and both ends are pointed, while the native species bourbon (some call it round bourbon) has a shorter bean body and a slightly oval outline.

Because of its good flavor and low caffeine content (which does not affect sleep), sharp bourbon has been popular as early as the 18th century, with many celebrities, such as French King Louise 15, and the novelist Balzac is a "fan". During the two hundred years of the 19th century, the sharp bourbon was widely planted on the island of bourbon, and its annual production reached a peak of 4,000 metric tons in 1800, but then a series of disasters such as hurricanes, fire ants and leaf rust followed, so that the planting decreased. Finally, in 1942, the last batch of sharp bourbon was shipped back to France, leaving only a pitiful 200 kilograms, and since then, sharp bourbon disappeared without a trace. Even the official documents are no longer mentioned. After the 1950s, coffee was no longer grown on Reunion, and agriculture on the island turned completely to other crops such as sugar cane. Coffee was no longer associated with Reunion, while pointed bourbon was recognized by the coffee industry as "extinct."

In view of this bean, it disappeared for half a century and did not reappear until eight years ago, resulting in the Bourbon pointed body of the country of origin La Reunion Island in the international market. After the price reached more than 500yuan per 100g, Colombia also began to grow this bean, and only Camilo Merizalde, which is the source of many WBC champion beans, dared to take over the transplant of this bean, so this coffee bean, which produces only a few tons of coffee every year, is expensive.

Flavor description in the file: bright sour taste, blueberry, vanilla smell, velvety smoothness

Bourbon variety SL28, SL34

Kenyan "SL28" and "SL34": the bourbon line, screened and cultivated by French and British missionaries and researchers in Kenya in the early 20th century, has adapted to Kenya's high-concentration phosphate soil for a century, giving birth to Kenyan characteristics of sour elves. Top Kenyan coffee comes from these two varieties, but it loses its flavor when transplanted elsewhere.

Kenyan coffee grades are divided into seven grades according to the size of coffee beans and six grades according to taste. The best coffee in Kenya is bean berry coffee (PB), followed by AA++, AA+, AA, AB and so on. The fine coffee is shiny, delicious and slightly alcoholic. "Kenya AA" is particularly well received in terms of taste.

Graded according to the size of beans:

The best coffee grade in Kenya is bean berry coffee (PB), followed by AA, AB and so on.

PB (PeaBerry) round beans: this is the grading for small round beans. This means that there is only one stone in the coffee fruit, not the common two kernels.

AA: this is a more common grade. Coffee beans are larger in size and have a particle size higher than 18 mesh or 7.22mm. This kind of beans usually get the highest price.

AB: this grade coffee bean combines A (particle size 16 mesh or 6.80mm) with B (particle size 15 mesh or 6.20mm); accounts for about 30 per cent of Kenya's annual coffee production.

Bourbon variety Kaddura

Caturra: it is a single gene variant of bourbon found in Brazil in the 1950s. It has better yield and disease resistance than bourbon. The tree is shorter and easy to harvest. Unfortunately, it has the same problem as bourbon-- as a result, it has a year off, and the flavor is equal to or slightly worse than bourbon beans.

But it is more adaptable, can be planted with high density, does not need shade trees, and can be vibrant in direct exposure to the sun, so it is also called "exposed coffee" (Sun Coffee).

Kaddura is suitable for high altitude areas from 700m to 1700 m, but the higher the altitude is, the better the flavor is, and the bean yield is relatively reduced. There are also variants of yellow Kaddura in Central and South America, but the wind rating is not as good as Huang bourbon.

Bourbon variety Kaduai

Catuai: Kaduai is a hybrid of New World and Kaddura. It inherits the advantage of Kaddura's low stature and makes up for the weakness of Arabica fruit. The result is solid, and it is not easy to fall when the strong wind blows. The biggest regret is that its overall flavor is slightly more monotonous than Kadura.

Kaduai also has the difference between red fruit and yellow fruit, and red fruit wins more often than yellow fruit. Kaduai, Kaddura, New World and bourbon are the four main varieties of coffee in Brazil.

Bourbon variety Pacas

Pacas: a bourbon variety found in El Salvador. In 1935, the Salvadoran coffee farmer "Don Alberto Pacas" selected a high-capacity San Ramon bourbon variety to be planted on a farm. In 1956, his coffee tree produced more fruit than the same kind of coffee tree. Professor "Dr. William Cogwill" of the University of Florida identified this as a genetic mutation in bourbon and named it "Pacas".

Pacas, with its high output and good quality, is popular in Central America. Currently, 68% of El Salvador is bourbon, while Pacas has 29%. Similar to Kaddura of Brazil (Cuturrra) and Villa Sacrhi of Costa Rica. Pacas now accounts for about 25 per cent of El Salvador's coffee production, which is high and has always been popular. It produces coffee with high sweetness, similar to bourbon, but brighter sour taste than bourbon.

Pacas saplings

Bourbon variety Vera Satchi

The bourbon variety, which was first discovered in Costa Rica in the Villa Sarchi:1960 era, has often appeared in the cup test list of excellence in recent years, which can be described as a promising dark horse. This is a rare variety bred through the cross of red bourbon tree species. Strong wind resistance, preference for high altitude environment, excellent acidity and a variety of fruit aromas, high sweetness, bright and delicate citrus acidity and low raisin and nut aromas, high complexity and full balance.

It is also a dwarf bourbon, found in the village of Saatchi in the western valley of Costa Rica, suitable for high-altitude organic cultivation, lively fruit acid and obvious caramel flavor.

New world of hybrid varieties

Mundo Novo: a natural cross between Bourbon and Sumatra Tibica, first found in Brazil. Because of its high yield and resistance to diseases and insect pests, it was widely planted in Brazil in the 1950s and was praised as the new hope of the Brazilian coffee industry, but the trees were tall and difficult to harvest.

Hybrid variety Java, Nicaragua

The Javanese species of Nicaragua is a long-grained species that is rare in Java today. The lemon tree manor was sown successfully in Nicaragua for the first time. Java provenance comes from Tiebika seed system. Tibica in Java had a serious outbreak of leaf rust, which led to the almost extinction of Tibika in Java, while the lemon manor inadvertently got a bag of seeds and asked experts to identify the young plants after sowing seedlings. Only then did I know it was a Javanese species. Lemon tree first participated in COE with this variety in 2007, but it won the runner-up of Nicaragua COE that year, and the bidding price even exceeded the champion of that year.

In Indonesia, the main coffee variety in West Java is S795 (also known as Jember), which was spread to the island by Jember Coffee Reseach Center, so the local people call Smur795 this name, a cross between the iron mutant Kent (Kent) and Smur288, which has strong resistance to leaf rust and outstanding sweetness.

Hybrid variety Mara Kadura

The hybrid between elephant bean and Kaddura (Maragogypepe × Caturra) cultivated in Guatemala received higher recognition after Nicaragua COE won the championship in 2009. With rich fruit like beans and elegant acidity of Kaddura, it has high mellow thickness, full floral aroma and high sweetness.

Arabica geisha / Rosa

Geisha: a derivative of the Tibika family, it was exported from the Geisha Mountains of southern Ethiopia in 1931 (Geisha is synonymous with Japanese geisha). After being unknown in many countries, it was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s and did not begin to win cup tests until 2005.

| Rose summer, also known as geisha

The pronunciation of Geisha is the same as Japanese geisha, so it is also called geisha coffee. Because the tree species are taller than ordinary coffee trees, they are originally planted in a small area of the manor and are used as windbreaks.

| | Rose summer, is a variety |

The species of Geisha was first discovered in the rose forests of Ethiopia in 1931 and later sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya. Introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936 and introduced to Costa Rica in 1953.

| | Red, green, blue |

Only the rosy summer of the Jade Manor can be distinguished by [red mark, green mark, blue mark]:

Red mark (Special-Geisha): a collection of the top batches of the Jadeite Manor, all planted above 1600 meters above sea level (or even more than 1900 meters above sea level), and cup test scores above 90 points.

Green sign (PrivateCollection-Geisha): the rosy summer of different plots in the Jadeite manor, planted at 1600-1800 m above sea level

Blue label (Geisha1500): the rose summer of jadeite estates, planted above 1500 meters above sea level

| Rose summer, unique fragrance of flowers and fruits

Among the many coffees, the aroma of flowers and the intense sweetness of tropical fruits are the consistent characteristics of Geisha.

Hybrid between Arabica and Robbosa bean (Interspecific Hybrid)

Hybrid variety Timo

Timor: a natural hybrid found in East Timor, an island country at the eastern end of the Nusa Tenggara Islands, with 44 chromosomes close to Arabica, but with a mediocre flavor, Timo's low acidity and lack of characteristics, it is often used as a low-cost formula in Taiwan. However, East Timor also has high-altitude pure Tibica treated with water. Before buying, it is important to find out whether it is a hybrid or a purebred iron card water washed beans, the quality of the two is very different, the former is mediocre, and the latter is amazing.

Hybrid variety

Katimo Katim

In Catimor:1959, the Portuguese mixed Brazilian Kaddura with Timo and bred the second generation of Cartimo, which has strong disease resistance and yield capacity. But the flavor is also poor, and it is an important variety of commercial beans at present. In recent years, botanists from all over the world have turned to the interaction between Arabica and Katimodo in an attempt to reduce the pedigree of Luodou in order to improve the bad reviews of the Katimo Cup.

Hybrid variety Ikatu

Icatu: many generations of Brazilian hybrid improved varieties, has been in the Brazilian "extraordinary Cup" top 10. In the past, Arabica mixed with turnip beans Arabusta "Arabusta", although increased yield and disease resistance, but the coffee flavor has not been good. Scientists crossed Arabica varieties with Arabica varieties such as Kaddura, New World and Bourbon for many generations, which gradually reduced the bad smell of radish beans and improved the aroma of Arabica beans, thus giving birth to an excellent variety of multi-generation hybrids-Icato.

Hybrid variety Ruyilu 11

Ruiru 11: a hybrid breed with heavy yield and low quality developed in Kenya in 1985. There are no varieties of Arabica and sturdy beans that can be regarded as boutique coffee so far, so they are not available in many suppliers that specialize in freshly roasted boutique coffee, such as fresh. However, even many imported specialty coffee suppliers mix the hybrid beans with Blend to reduce costs. From the above-mentioned gene mutants (whether natural or scientific products), their flavor has a lot to do with specific geographical conditions.

The process of turning coffee fruit into coffee beans generally has three treatments:

Traditional solarization

Traditional water washing

Treatments intermediate between sun and water: semi-water (wet planing), Brazilian peeling sun, honey.


The process of sun treatment is to directly expose the whole coffee fruit, and the process: selecting beans, → drying, → shelling, → screening and grading.

Washing treatment is to remove peel, pulp, pectin, etc., then fermented in the flume, and then dried; washing process: selecting → to remove pulp, → fermentation, → washing, → drying, → shelling → selection and classification.

Washing method

Peeling, tanning and honey treatment are the two treatments in the middle. In the 1990s, taking advantage of the unique dry climate, Brazil invented the peeling and tanning method (pulped natural), which requires less equipment and water resources than the traditional water washing method, and the quality is better than the traditional sun drying method. Peeling in Brazil is usually done in the sun--

Honey processing method, called HoneyProcess or Miel Process, honey processing is to peel the flesh, the fruit with the endocarp drying method, honey processing process: with the mucosa for sun drying of raw beans made process. After the outer pulp is removed from the coffee beans, there will be a thick gelatinous layer. In the traditional washing method, it will be washed away with clean water, but because of the water resource limitation of some high-altitude producing areas, this method of drying directly with pectin was born. Now most plantations, such as Costa Rica, honey processing will be covered with drying.

Brazil's Peel Solarization In Brazil, the most common treatments for Brazilian coffee are peel solarization and Brazilian semi-washing.

What is semi-washed and semi-sunburned coffee beans? Difference between two treatments:

The treatment of half-sun in Brazil is basically that when more than 3/4 of the coffee fruit in the coffee garden is ripe, it begins to be harvested mechanically, and the pectin beans are removed by a pulp planer after being screened in a large trough in the same way as washing. After exposure outdoors, 2-3 days later, the water content of beans is further reduced to less than 12% by using a dryer, the dried beans are stored in a special container for about 10 days, and finally the sheep skin is ground off before export.


Some humid areas have developed semi-washed raw beans according to their own climatic characteristics, which is now popular not only in countries with high humidity in Central and South America, but also in Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and other countries in Asia. The treatment method of half-washing is similar to that of the first half of half-sun, except that after taking out the raw beans with pectin, it is not taken out from the sun, but removed with the pectin scraper, and the smooth beans can be obtained with a small amount of water. Then go to the sun, and when the water content is less than 12%, you can enter the warehouse.

Manning's special treatment is semi-washing:

The Indonesian wet planing method is very common in Indonesia, which is different from the general washing and tanning methods: the endocarp of washed, honey-treated or sun-dried beans is retained until the bean body is dehydrated and hardened, and the moisture content is reduced to 12%. Or sealed and stored for 1-3 months before grinding off. However, the wet planing method takes off the endocarp when the bean body is wet and soft, and the moisture content is as high as 30-35%, so that the surface of the raw bean is directly exposed, and then continue to dry. This is because Sumatra has a humid climate and a method developed according to local conditions to speed up drying.

Finally, let's summarize the characteristics of various ways of handling raw beans:

Acidity: washing > half washing > half sun > honey treatment > wet planing > solarization.

Sweetness: sun > honey treatment > half-sun > half-washing > washing > wet planing.

Production risk: wet planing / solarization > washing / honey treatment > semi-washing

Equipment cost: washing / half washing > half sun > honey treatment / wet planing > solarization

The amount of water used: washing > half washing > half sun > honey treatment / wet planing method

As a newcomer to coffee, sour as needed? Or is it more fermented? For example, it tastes stronger or tastes lighter, so you can recommend the most suitable coffee according to the flavor characteristics of your own coffee treatment.

If you like to be sour, choose water to wash beans, such as Kenya, Yega Xuefei (water washing), like mellow, choose Mantenin (wet planing), and some sweet beans, sun red roses, sun red cherries and other sun beans. Costa Rican honey treatment (sweet)