Coffee review

Coffee protects against radiation damage the benefits of drinking coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After receiving generally lethal doses of radiation, 70 per cent of caffeine-injected mice survived after 25 days, while all of the uninjected mice died. Caibili George, who led the study, said the findings may also apply to humans. He said: the study does show that coffee may help prevent radiation damage. It seems that people working in a radiation environment

After receiving generally lethal doses of radiation, 70 per cent of caffeine-injected mice survived after 25 days, while all of the uninjected mice died. Caibili George, who led the study, said the findings may also apply to humans. "the study does show that coffee may help prevent radiation damage," he said.

It seems that for office workers working in a radiation environment, drinking coffee often can not only refresh the mind and ensure the quality of the day at work, but also prevent radiation damage to our human body. it is really "killing two birds with one stone". Caffeine in coffee is an exciting preparation, causing many people to think that it is not good for their health, but now research has found that it can also play a key role in people under special circumstances. For example, it can prevent the harm of radiation to the human body.

Radiation injury has become a prominent pollution and harm at present. Especially the radiation of household appliances: such as people who operate computers for a long time, microwave ovens, televisions at home, and so on. Especially for pregnant women, radiation has affected the health of the next generation. Reports in this area are not uncommon.

Indian scientists have found that coffee protects experimental mice from radiation and may have the same effect on humans. Researchers at the Baba Atomic Research Center in India have found