Coffee review

The price of coffee beans in Yunnan will rise. If you drink coffee, the price will rise.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The price of coffee beans in Yunnan goes up. Do you want to raise the price of coffee? The price of Brazilian coffee is soaring! Dry weather in parts of Brazil, the world's largest coffee bean grower, has sparked fears that coffee harvests will be affected. Coffee prices in the international market have continued to soar a few days ago. affected by the lower expectations for the Brazilian coffee bean harvest, coffee bean prices have soared more than 80% this year since March.

The price of coffee beans in Yunnan goes up. Do you want to raise the price of coffee? The price of Brazilian coffee is soaring!

Dry weather in parts of Brazil, the world's largest coffee bean grower, has sparked fears that coffee harvests will be affected. Coffee prices in the international market have continued to soar a few days ago. affected by the lower expectations for the Brazilian coffee bean harvest, coffee bean prices have soared more than 80% this year since March.

"it has been rising since the Spring Festival, and it is also the strongest in recent years." Experts analyze that coffee trade has been affected to some extent. But for many consumers, whether the price of coffee in the cafe will rise is the focus of concern.

Brazil has a drought.

The price of coffee beans has soared this year

After the Spring Festival, the price of coffee beans skyrocketed. Data show that the ICE Arabica coffee futures market hit a two-year high in the middle of this month, and the price of Robusta coffee beans also rose to an one-year high.