Coffee review

Beginner's basic knowledge of hand-brewing Coffee detailed explanation of the production and brewing methods of single coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Individual baking: more and more people are fond of roasting their own coffee beans, because usually after the coffee beans are roasted, they can only keep their freshness for 1 to 7 days, and then they will begin to lose their taste, leaving only bitterness and no mellow taste. Therefore, self-baking can ensure the freshness of coffee beans. Traditional baking

With the rapid development of the specialty coffee market, more and more people are beginning to touch hand-brewed coffee. A lot of beginners make coffee operation a blank face, a wide range of brewing equipment, coffee brewing techniques and so on let a lot of people feel trouble, there are also many small partners came to the front street to ask how to get started with coffee, how to make coffee... In this article, the front street will talk about 7 elements of hand brewed coffee and the principle of hand brewed coffee.

The 7 elements of hand brewing are simple and easy to understand tips compiled by the front street barista in combination with the experience of hand brewing coffee all the time. The purpose is that all learning people do not have to read a lot of information to see what to pay attention to when brewing coffee. 1. fresh coffee beans

Qianjie believes that the best taste period of coffee beans is 30 days. After 30 days, the coffee beans have less aroma molecules due to the emission of carbon dioxide, so the coffee beans after the taste period may feel dull and bland after brewing. This is why Front Street always emphasizes "use freshly roasted coffee beans" before every brewing knowledge.

2 Coffee beans grind

The finer the coffee beans are ground, the coffee powder is easy to accumulate at the bottom of the filter paper, and the extraction resistance is larger, so the flow rate is slower and the extraction time is longer. The extracted coffee is prone to unpleasant tastes such as wood or impurities. The coarser the coffee beans are ground, the larger the gap between the powder layers, the less coffee powder in contact with hot water, the weaker the extraction resistance, the faster the coffee dripping speed, and the lower the extraction rate, so the coffee flavor is lighter.

In order to ensure that each bean grinding degree has the most suitable brewing, Qianjie recommends that you buy a 20 cup calibration sieve, sieve aperture 0.85mm, we into 10g coffee beans, adjust a rough grinding degree into coffee powder, and then pour into the sieve for sieving, the sifted coffee powder for weighing (Be sure to sift until there is no coffee powder to sift out), the sifted pass rate is 80%(10g powder can be sifted out 8g) is the most suitable grinding degree of medium and light roasted coffee beans, the sifted pass rate is 70%-75%(10g powder sieve 7-7.5g) is the most suitable grinding degree for medium and deep roasting. If it exceeds the appropriate sieving rate, it is appropriate to adjust the coarse grinding degree. If it does not reach the appropriate sieving rate, it is necessary to adjust the grinding degree appropriately. 3. Brewing water temperature

Front Street Coffee also chooses different water temperatures when hand brewing coffee beans of different roasting degrees. During roasting, the substances contained in the coffee beans are lost with the deepening of roasting, so the coffee beans of deep roasting will reduce the temperature in order to avoid excessive extraction of impurities. The water temperature of 90-91℃ is recommended for medium-light roasted beans, and the water temperature of 87-89℃ is recommended for medium-deep roasted beans.

4. water quality

Mineral components in water, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other mineral ions in water, will affect the extraction ability of coffee in thermodynamics, resulting in changes in coffee flavor. Front Street Coffee is not recommended to use tap water for direct heating and brewing. Tap water has many impurities, and the extracted coffee is prone to unpleasant experience. 5. Brewing cup selection

Front Street recommends beginners to choose V60 01 filter cup, V60 conical filter cup mouth is relatively large, coupled with its unique spiral curve ribs, so that air is easier to be discharged to improve the extraction quality. The taste may not be thick enough, but its high concentration brings out the sourness and obvious aroma is one of its characteristics.

6. Hand brewed coffee powder water ratio

This is according to sca gold cup extraction theory, hand brewed coffee water powder ratio extraction parameters taste difference

[Heavy Flavor] 1:10~1:11, i.e. 1:12.5~1:13.5 of Gold Cup Standard [Moderate Flavor] 1:12~1:13(i.e. 1:14.5~1:15.5 of Gold Cup Standard)

[Small Fresh] 1:14~1:16(i.e. 1:16.5~1:18.5 of Gold Cup Standard)

The gram ratio of coffee beans to brewing water is 1:14.5~1:15.5, which is the easiest to reach the golden range of gold cup extraction rate of 18%~22% and concentration of 1.15%~1.35%, which is why Qianjie Coffee has always recommended everyone to use 1:15 brewing.

7. Hand brewed coffee brewing time

In the extraction of coffee, the aroma and taste of the early stage are strong, and the concentration is also very high. The later the extract is, the taste and aroma will also become lighter. At the same time, the amount of water poured will also affect the extraction time of coffee. Qianjie coffee is generally 15 grams of powder, which varies from bean to bean. When the water powder ratio is 1:15, the brewing time will be within 2 minutes-2 minutes and 30 minutes, which is not easy to cause over-extraction or insufficient extraction.

After finishing the 7 elements, let's talk about the brewing principle of hand brewed coffee.

Brewing coffee is actually the process of extracting molecules from coffee cells, and this process includes the following three steps: wetting, dissolution, and release. These three steps occur successively and affect each other, and finally produce coffee flavor.


Literally, coffee powder is wetted when it touches water, which is the starting point for coffee cells to release molecules, which is often referred to as stewing in the front street.


Dissolution refers to the process of dissolving soluble molecules in coffee cells in hot water, which is the most important step in determining the extraction of coffee flavor, which is often referred to as extraction process in the front street.

A coffee bean consists of 70% insoluble cellulose and 30% soluble odor molecules that dissolve out in order of molecular size when exposed to water. The first small molecules to be dissolved include acids and aromas, such as floral, citrus acids, etc.; then the middle molecules of sweetness, such as juice sweetness, honey, yellow sugar sweetness, etc.; and finally the large molecules of burnt bitterness, which is how coffee tastes at different levels. Therefore, if you prefer a sweeter taste, the extraction time should be shorter, because the longer the hot water stays on the coffee powder, the more bitter molecules will be dissolved.


After the odor molecules dissolve, they leave the coffee cell by osmosis, a process called diffusion. The odor molecules diffuse into hot water to form the final coffee extract. The front street above also mentioned that the extraction of a cup of coffee is to extract the acid first, then to the sweet feeling, and finally to the bitter taste, so after a cup of coffee extraction, it must be shaken a few times to get a uniform fusion of coffee liquid, so as to taste the most complete coffee flavor.

After finishing the brewing principle, the front street coffee will brew the flower 4.0 from Ethiopia to see how the coffee is brewed a coffee bean.

Front Street Coffee Ethiopian Flower Queen 4.0

Production area: Gujihambella

Plant: Buku Able

Altitude: 2350 m

Breed: Native local variety

Treatment: Solarization

Front Street Coffee Hand brewed coffee parameters: Hario V60, powder water ratio 1:15, grinding degree BG #6S (Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate 80%), water temperature 90 degrees.

In terms of brewing method, Qianjie Coffee uses twice the amount of stewed water as the amount of coffee powder, that is, 30g of water for stewing, and the stewing time is 30 seconds. When the water level drops and the powder bed is about to be exposed, continue to inject water until 225 grams, and then remove the filter cup when the water level drops and the powder bed is about to be exposed.(Start timing of steam-boiling) Extraction time is 200 ".

Brewing Flavor: Almond aromas at high temperatures, citrus acidity after full cooling, berry juice fullness, lemon tea, sweet taste lasting.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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