Coffee review

Coffee regions around the world introduce the most fashionable luxury cafes

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Costa Rica Famous coffee: Tarrazu Nicaragua Famous coffee: Nicaragua Honduras Famous coffee: Honduras Panama Famous coffee: Panama El Salvador Famous coffee: Sal

Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Well-known representative coffee: Tarrazu

Nicaragua (Nicaragua)

Famous representative coffee: Nicaragua (Nicaragua)

Honduras (Honduras)

Well-known representative coffee: Honduras

Panama (Panama)

Famous representative coffee: Panama (Panama)

El Salvador (El Salvador)

Famous representative coffee: El Salvador (El Salvador)

Mexico (Mexico)

Famous representative coffee: Mexico (Mexico)

South America

Brazil (Brazil)

Well-known representative coffee: Santos

Peru (Peru)

Famous representative coffee: Peru (Peru)

Ecuador (Ecuador)

Well-known representative coffee: Galapagos


New Guinea (New Guinea)

Well-known representative coffee: new Guinea

Australia (Australia)

Well-known representative coffee: Australian coffee

The Caribbean Sea

Hawaii (Hawaii)

Famous representative coffee: Kona

Jamaica (Jamaica)

Famous representative coffee: blue Mountain (Blue Mountain)

Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Famous representative coffee: Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

Dominica (Dominican Repubilc)

Well-known representative coffee: Santo Dominica (Santo Domingo)

Caribbean-Dominica (Dominican Repubilc)

Well-known representative coffee: Saint Dominica (Santo Domingo)

Dominica is located on the island of Hispaniola in Central America, just above Martinique Island.

Dominica occupies 2/3 of the right half of Hispaniola, while the other 1/3 to the west is the territory of Haiti. It is rich in natural resources, rich in coffee, cocoa, oranges, bananas and flowers.

In recent years, coffee ranks second in the country's gross domestic agricultural output, second only to rice, and is an important cash crop in the country.

Dominica coffee, like Puerto Rico and Jamaica coffee, is Caribbean coffee with a similar quality, but less famous, mainly because of the way the coffee is handled rather than the quality of the berries.

Coffee in Dominica is grown in highlands and lowlands, and its taste is slightly different. The highland is sour, but the taste is rich; the lowland is less sour and tastes smoother.

Boutique coffee has become popular in recent years. High-quality coffee beans produced by some Dominican estates have a rich aroma, mellow taste and moderately bright sour taste, which are not far from the more famous Puerto Rico beans or Jamaican beans, and are also worth tasting.

Caribbean-Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

Well-known representative coffee: Yukot selection (Yauco)

It is generally believed that the original coffee tree species of Puerto Rico was brought to Martinique Island (French West Indies in the Caribbean) by the French in 1723 and was quickly introduced to Puerto Rico in 1736. Because of its mountainous environment and suitable climate and soil, it soon became a major export to Europe.

Among them, the caffeine produced in Yauco has a special flavor and is so famous in Europe that it was even used as a standard for imitation in other countries in the 1890s.

The coffee tree in Puerto Rico is Arabica, including Bourbon, Puerto Rico Bourbon variety, Kaddura and Limani.

Today, Yuco is still the representative of Puerto Rico coffee, and the price on the market has always been high because of its good quality, low production and high labor costs.

Yukot beans are rated as mellow, balanced, mild, complex rather than monotonous, low acidity and low bitterness similar to the Jamaican Blue Mountains, and is one of the best coffee in the Caribbean.