Coffee review

What kind of coffee is high quality Zambian coffee suitable for in the afternoon? Kasama Coffee Origin

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. Generally, raw beans are preserved in parchment coffee beans in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And it is very important to preserve the protection in the process of transportation, such as the control of temperature and humidity, the control of ventilation, avoiding odor adsorption and so on.

Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. In general, raw beans are preserved as "parchment coffee beans" in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And its preservation and transportation in the process of protection is very important, such as temperature and humidity control, ventilation control, avoid odor adsorption and so on, if these do not do well, then no matter how high-grade beans will no longer become fine.

Slightly lighter than Kenyan coffee, suitable for drinking in the afternoon.

Coffee was introduced to Zambia (Zambin) from Kenya and Tanzania in the early 20th century and now it also produces giant coffee beans and bean-shaped berry coffee beans.

High-quality Zambian coffee is getting better and better. Although the taste is slightly light, the flavor is similar to that of Kenyan coffee, and the price is exactly the same. Zambian coffee is mainly grown in the northern Kasama region and in the Nakonde and Isoka areas near the capital Lusaka.