Coffee review

Fine Coffee from Farfell Coffee Plantation in Zimbabwe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. Generally, raw beans are preserved in parchment coffee beans in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And it is very important to preserve the protection in the process of transportation, such as the control of temperature and humidity, the control of ventilation, avoiding odor adsorption and so on.

Boutique coffee has a strict grading system. In general, raw beans are preserved as "parchment coffee beans" in the form of endocarp after processing, and the endocarp is removed before export. Go through a strict grading process to ensure the uniformity of quality. And its preservation and transportation in the process of protection is very important, such as temperature and humidity control, ventilation control, avoid odor adsorption and so on, if these do not do well, then no matter how high-grade beans will no longer become fine.

High-quality Arabica coffee beans cater to the needs of foodies.

Coffee cultivation in Zimbabwe began relatively recently, in the 1960s, when farmers in southern Africa set up coffee plantations. Coffee cultivation in Zimbabwe is mainly concentrated in the eastern highlands near Mozambique, which are mainly composed of the Chimanimani Mountains and the northward Nyanga Mountains, while the Niyanga Mountains are blocked by the Inyangani Mountains. The main coffee growing area is located near the town of Chipinge at the southern end of the eastern highlands.

Farfell Manor is one of the most interesting coffee plantations. This small plantation adopts a family business model, producing high-quality, hand-picked and sun-dried coffee beans. About 170 hectares of Arabica coffee trees are planted in the Fairfield estate. Good soil, high altitude and perennial precipitation make the coffee tree grow vigorously.

All in all, Zimbabwean coffee is the same as premium Kenyan AA coffee in every way, with a soft and fruity taste.