Coffee review

The History of Colombian Coffee in the Caribbean Island

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, History traces back to Colombian coffee brand Colombian coffee brand (9) the history of coffee cultivation in Colombia can be traced back to the Spanish colonial era in the 16th century, and there are many theories about the history of coffee in Colombia: one: it is said to come from the island of the Caribbean and by sea through El Salvador in Central America. Second: in 1808, a priest came from French Ann.

historical origin

Colombia coffee brands

Colombia coffee brands (9 photos)

The history of coffee cultivation in Colombia can be traced back to the Spanish colonial era in the sixteenth century. There are also many sayings about the history of coffee in Colombia:

One: it is said to have come from Haiti in the Caribbean via El Salvador in Central America.

Second, coffee beans were first introduced into Colombia in 1808 by a priest from the French Antilles via Venezuela. One of them is that the first coffee seeds from Colombia came from Venezuela through the province of Santander. [1]

Third: The earliest record of coffee cultivation in Colombia appears in a book entitled "The Illustrated Orinoca" by the Spanish missionary Jose Gumilla. He describes his travels on both sides of the Meta River in 1730, mentioning coffee plantations there. By 1787, other missionaries had spread coffee to other parts of Colombia.

Colombia, located in the northwest of South America, is a beautiful country with a long history. Indians have lived on this land since ancient times. It became a Spanish colony in 1531 AD and gained independence in 1819. It was renamed in 1886 to commemorate Columbus, the discoverer of the American continent. Colombia, beautiful mountains, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, four seasons such as spring, fresh air. Colombia is rich in products, especially coffee, flowers, gold and emeralds known as the "four treasures." Today the country is the second largest coffee producer after Brazil, the world's largest exporter of Arabica coffee beans and the world's largest exporter of washed coffee beans. Often described as having a silky texture, Colombia coffee has the best balance of all coffees. It tastes soft, silky, and ready to drink, and it has earned a reputation that no other coffee can match: "green gold."

species morphology

Colombia coffee plant morphology

Colombia coffee plant morphology (10 photos)

Colombia coffee varieties are mainly small coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 meters high, usually multi-branched at the base; old branches are gray, nodes expand, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, apex long acuminate, acuminate 10-15 mm long, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, rarely rounded, entire or shallowly undulate, glabrous on both surfaces, with or without pits in axils of lower veins; midvein raised on both surfaces of leaf blade, lateral veins 7-13 on each side; petiole 8-15 mm long; Stipules broadly triangular, born at the top of the young branches conical long pointed or awned tip, born at the top of the old branches are often pointed, long 3-6 mm. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, each inflorescence 2-5 flowers, without pedicel or with very short pedicel; flowers aromatic, pedicels 0.5-1 mm long; bracts more or less united at base, dimorphic, 2 broadly triangular, nearly equal in length and width, 2 lanceolate, 2 times as wide, foliaceous; calyx tubular, 2.5-3 mm long, calyx limb truncated or 5 denticulate; Corolla white, length varies with species, generally 10-18 mm long, apically often 5-lobed, rarely 4-or 6-lobed, lobes often longer than corolla tube, apically often obtuse; anthers protruding beyond corolla tube, 6-8 mm long; styles 12-14 mm long, stigmas 2-lobed, 3-4 mm long. Berry broadly elliptic when ripe, red, 12-16 mm long, 10-12 mm in diam., exocarp dural, mesocarp fleshy, sweet; seeds raised abaxially, ventral plane, longitudinally grooved, 8-10 mm long, 5-7 mm in diam. Flowering March-April