Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor of coffee made by roasting and blending first and then blending by two methods of baking

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, First bake, then spell vs, then bake, boil, match vs Italian, match the target flavor and its related standards, match proportion and cost control, match coffee, the first order of life, for the flexibility of matching and the control of flavor, of course, and the load limit of my current bean roaster, choose to bake first and then spell; brew, Italian, the same to one.

First bake and then spell vs before baking

Vs for cooking and blending for Italian style

Target flavor and its related benchmark, blending proportion and cost control

Blending-Coffee, Life

First of all, in the order of spelling and baking, for the flexibility of matching and the control of flavor, as well as the load limit of my current bean baking machine, I choose to bake first and then spell.

Make it for cooking, use it in Italian style, and have the same one.

Cooking and blending requires sour, sweet and fragrant without losing elegance, as wonderful as my lover's whisper, named "the language of Lin", a combination of the four heroes of 90 + levelup (Candlestick, Romique, Danqi Dream, dreamer) Italian blending should be like "coffee", either aspect should not be too prominent and overall balanced, the cost must be controlled to help realize the coffee dream, named "Yantai Dream", using levelup dreamers, some people in Brazil and Colombia will think that it is not easy to mix coffee, just mix a few beans together. I would not say that this view is absolutely wrong (coffee is not absolutely wrong, is it? I don't know if this view is correct, but I don't think it's that easy to mix coffee. On the basis of some baking knowledge, we need to judge the flavor among many variables, and then try our best to maintain consistency.

It is valuable to make a delicious cup of coffee. A lot of coffee, to be honest, doesn't taste good (this is more annoying). There are countless variables involved in making a delicious cup of coffee: the origin, variety, handling, transportation, roasting, extraction, ugliness and gender orientation of the barista. Continuous learning, imitation, innovation, but there is still no end. Therefore, on the basis of persistent learning, we should distinguish which factors are relatively important, and then know how to control these factors, which is the key.