Coffee review

Coffee from Panama Good coffee from US dollars Fine coffee from Mount Baru Volcanic soil

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Specialty coffee is also known as specialty coffee. It refers to coffee made from green beans with excellent taste characteristics grown in a few extremely ideal geographical environments. Depending on the particular soil and climatic conditions in which they are grown, they have outstanding flavors. This type of coffee is carefully selected and graded for its hard texture, rich taste and wind.

Boutique coffee (specialty coffee) is also called "specialty coffee" or "select coffee". It refers to coffee made from a small number of raw beans with excellent taste grown in an ideal geographical environment. Depending on the special soil and climatic conditions in which they grow, they have outstanding flavor. After strict selection and classification, this kind of coffee can be regarded as a selection of coffee beans because of its hard texture, rich taste and excellent flavor.

There should be no objection to describe Panamanian coffee as unique. This small country has the most competitive coffee farm in the world and the highest average transaction price. The important reason for the unique quality of Panamanian coffee is its microclimate. Bordering Costa Rica and Colombia, Panama's east-west environment allows cold air to flow through the Central Mountains at more than 6500 feet, creating a very unique microclimate in the Boquete and Vol á n Candela regions, making it a major producer of Panamanian coffee. The land around this area is rich in nutrients, and these fertile soils provide perfect conditions for the growth of coffee, creating a large number of unique, high-quality coffee. Good coffee in US dollars (Fazenda Santa inflows in 2005), 2008 Guatemala CoE champion El Injerto $80.20; but you pay attention to the time point, that is, when the La Esmeralda price set a record, there was no bid to surpass her before, but she will surpass others, saying that she is the record maker, no fluke!