Coffee review

Introduction to Puerto Rico Larez Yaoke Coffee with complete flavor and no bitterness

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yaocote's coffee, grown on three farms in the southwest of the island, is fragrant and has a long aftertaste. This kind of coffee is very expensive and its flavor is comparable to that of any other coffee variety in the world. In the Yaoke area, the coffee is owned and operated by the local planter. The mountain climate here is mild, the plants have a long ripening period (from October to February), and the soil quality is excellent.

Grown on three farms in the south-west of the island, Yocote's choice coffee has a strong aroma and a long aftertaste. This coffee sells at a high price and its aroma rivals that of any other coffee variety in the world. In the Yauco region, the coffee is owned and operated by local plantation owners. The mountain climate here is mild, the plants have a long maturity period (from October to February of the following year), and the soil is of high quality clay. Some older varieties of Arabica coffee are grown here, although their yields are lower than those of other varieties, but they are generally of high quality. The people here have been adopting an ecologically conservative, intensive farming method, using only low-toxicity fertilizers and chemicals, and adopting mixed crop cultivation measures to make the soil more fertile. When it came time to pick the beans, people walked back and forth between the trees, picking only the fully ripe beans, which were then washed in a roller for 48 hours.

Yocote Select beans are kept in their shells until they are shipped, and the skins are not removed until the order is shipped to ensure optimum freshness. U.S. government officials, such as the FDA and USEA, are also present at the time of shipment submission and work to monitor compliance with federal regulations. There are also staff from local evaluation committees who take samples of one bag out of every 50 bags and qualify them using international gauges.

Yocote Choice is a mesmerizing coffee, full of flavor, no bitterness, rich nutrition, fruity flavor, worthy of all coffee lovers to savor