Coffee review

Special boutique coffee beans Boutique Manor beans Indonesian coffee Ethiopian coffee What are the coffee products

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fine coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, the fresher the better, and so is specialty coffee. Coffee beans should be kept fresh before making fine coffee, including the preservation of roasted beans, and the coffee beans should be ground before making, which is also to retain its most original and best flavor. And hand brewed coffee making is such a way to make fine coffee

Boutique coffee is fresh coffee. Whether it's food or drink, of course, the fresh the better, and so is boutique coffee. High-quality coffee should keep the coffee beans fresh before making, including the preservation of baked beans, and grind the coffee beans into powder before making, which is also to retain its original and best flavor. The way of making hand-brewed coffee is such a way to make high-quality coffee, and it is also one of the coffee-making methods that can best retain the original flavor of coffee. Boutique coffee is good coffee and is harmless to health. Different from coffee made with low-quality coffee beans, high-quality coffee uses high-quality coffee beans and freshly made coffee, which is harmless to health, and drinking in moderation is beneficial to the body and mind.

Anyone who has baked coffee knows that no matter how good the boutique manor coffee is, even the COE award-winning coffee will inevitably be mixed with a small amount of defective beans. So sometimes in pursuit of a better flavor, roasters pick up coffee beans that are noticeably flawed before or after roasting.

Ethiopia is the hometown of coffee, and there are still a large number of native coffee tree species that agronomists have not had time to classify. So, when we buy boutique coffee, almost all other regions can tell you what the coffee species are, while Ethiopian coffee almost generally says "all kinds of wild trees", and we all like the flavor of Ethiopian coffee. it is the wind smell of the mixed fruits of the various trees that have not yet been sorted out. So when you pick out some coffee that looks like defective beans, the regional flavor you drink is gone.

Tim Wendelboe is an Ethiopian coffee, from the outside, the coffee looks like an amateur baked coffee, the color is particularly uneven, many light colors are like "quark" beans. But it tastes good and tastes good without any defects.

Another important producing area not to pick defective beans is Indonesian coffee. People who have too much contact with coffee know that the appearance of raw beans of Indonesian coffee is very ugly. It seems that there are many "fermented beans" and "moth-eaten beans". You can find almost all the defective beans listed in Taguchi's Coffee Collection. However, excellent Indonesian coffee is not to pick the so-called "defective beans", those in ordinary people think of as defective beans, in Indonesian coffee is not defective beans. Once picked out, the unique flavor of Indonesian coffee will be gone.

To be able to show the representative flavor and characteristics of producing areas is one of the goals of boutique coffee.