Coffee review

The proportion of comprehensive coffee blending introduces what you should pay attention to when blending coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Comprehensive coffee creates a new flavor regardless of the past and present, comprehensive coffee pays attention to the average taste; comprehensive coffee does not like to be made with the same series of coffee, but choose more combinations of different series of coffee to find a balance point. Strictly speaking, even if it is the same South American coffee, it also contains a variety of different coffees. It is more convenient to classify them as South American coffee.

Comprehensive coffee creates a whole new flavor.

No matter in the past and now, comprehensive coffee pays attention to the average taste; comprehensive coffee does not like to be made with the same series of coffee, but choose different series of coffee arrangement and combination to find a balance point. Strictly speaking, even if the same South American coffee, also contains a variety of different coffee, they are classified as South American coffee is more convenient, just look at one of the South American coffee is meaningless.

The purpose of comprehensive coffee is not only to average and adjust the taste, to create a new flavor with mellow thickness that exceeds that of individual coffee, this is the essence of integrated coffee. The purpose of individual coffee is to introduce the personality of coffee itself, while the purpose of comprehensive coffee is to combine these personalized beans to produce a new flavor. The way of combination is not based on feelings or personal preferences, but must be based on the logical calculation of mathematical and chemical equations.

The method of making comprehensive coffee

"Mocha has a high-quality sour taste, with this and that taste" is not enough. Indeed, mocha is called sour coffee, but it is limited to a certain degree of roasting to give it a rich sour taste and aroma, not at any degree of roasting.

In other words, "the light-baked mocha tastes like this, but the medium-and deep-baked mocha tastes like that." this is the first time that the taste of mocha beans has been defined by the degree of roasting. The influence of the name of origin on the taste of coffee is still far behind. We have been trapped by the name of origin like "Mochagilimanjaro" for too long. The impact of roasting degree on coffee is much greater than the name of origin. First of all, it is necessary to have such an understanding in order to understand the next comprehensive coffee production methods.

Comprehensive coffee has a variety of production methods, it can be said that how many integrated coffee makers exist, there are as many ways of making it. Mixed coffee can challenge unlimited flavor creativity. The following are the basic principles of comprehensive coffee making for beginners.

1 the baking degree is the same

2 based on proportional combination

3 mix only three or four kinds of coffee beans

Mixed coffee with the same roasting degree

As stated in principle 1, the roasting degree of mixed coffee should be as consistent as possible. It has also been suggested that inconsistent roasting degrees can make coffee feel more layered, but beginners should first put their efforts into uniform roasting. It takes a lot of time and effort and technology to unify the colors of several coffee beans. To advance difficult techniques, you can learn to stop baking correctly.

The real value of mixed coffee lies in the "beauty of blending". Each coffee individual does not necessarily match each other in the first place.

Stop baking at the best time, and the beans may still look the same color, but if you look closely, you will find inconsistencies. The difference in the baking stop time of just a few seconds can make a slight difference in the baking degree.

But as long as the baking stop time is within the optimal time zone, there is no need to pay attention to the subtle baking differences of each bean. In other words, individual coffee is not made from different kinds of beans, but from the same kind of beans with slightly different roasting degrees.

In this way, we can understand how difficult it is to have the same baking degree. Small errors can become big errors together; different baking degrees will also have an impact on the extraction speed. The result is coffee with an incongruous taste.

The basis of making comprehensive coffee is proportional combination.

After the baking degree is unified, the next step is the "proportional combination". Each kind of coffee is derived from a proportional combination.

Forget the complex blending ratio and use a proportional combination for each kind of beans, because the proportion of beans is the same, the combination is free, and the taste fine-tuning becomes quite simple. This is the advantage of proportional coffee beans.