Coffee review

Caesar in the Borquat region of Panama. Louis' clean and fresh fruit flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The microclimate of the Panamanian highlands is the most important resource that makes Panamanian coffee unique. The most important resource that makes Panamanian coffee unique is its microclimate. The east-west environment of the Republic of Panama allows cold air to flow through the Central Mountains and converge above 6500 feet, creating a variety of microclimates in the Boquete and Volcn Candela regions.

The microclimate of the Panamanian highlands is the most important resource that makes Panamanian coffee unique. The most important resource that makes Panamanian coffee unique is its microclimate. The east-west environment of the Republic of Panama converges cold air over 6500 feet through the Central Mountains, creating a variety of microclimates in the Boquete and Volc á n-Candela regions, making it a major source of Panamanian coffee. These unique coffees are grown in nutritious and balanced land located in the Baru volcano region.

Caisan Louis Manor

Panama boquete casa ruiz S.A.

Caesar, the Borquat region of Panama. Louis

[cup test] clean and fresh fruit flavor, elegant and charming flower aroma, citrus slightly sour, bright and delicate taste, full fruit sweet aroma.

[country] Panama

[producing area] Bocquette

[manor] CASA RUIZ S.A. Caesar. Louis

Washing treatment


[altitude] 1400 m

[grade] SHB

Volcanic soil

Caesar of Panama. Louis Manor, founded in 1920, is located in the Boqui specialty area of Mount Baru, located in the Poquette Valley of Mount Baru in northwestern Panama. After three generations of coffee planting experience, the family combines more than 300 local small family farms, and small farm coffee farmers join partners from planting, post-processing, baking and marketing, unlike a single manor that cannot increase the scale of production. There is a variety of Typica Caturra Catuai Mundo Novo and Bourbons. The average annual rainfall is 3000 mm (between May and November), the annual average temperature is 14-24 degrees, and the elevation is more than 1400 meters.