Coffee review

Coffee farms introduce the world-famous coffee farms and compare the coffee grown in those coffee farms.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, All grow in the high mountains above 5200 feet, the climate is cool and pleasant, and the manor coffee produced has a rich and sweet flavor, which is different from other farm coffees. it is also a rare high-quality coffee. And many high-grade espresso recipes are specified to require the selection of Sigri coffee beans, and the coffee beans of Sigri Farm are also more popular in the industry.

All grow in the high mountains above 5200 feet, the climate is cool and pleasant, and the manor coffee produced has a rich and sweet flavor, which is different from other farm coffees. it is also a rare high-quality coffee. And many high-grade espresso formulations are specified to require the use of Sigri coffee beans, Sigri Farm coffee beans also have a high reputation in the industry.

Duran Farm: speaking of Duran Farm, coffee lovers are no stranger. The Duran family has run coffee farms in the highlands of western Panama for 90 years. The coffee beans on the farm are washed with water, and have unimaginably strict craftsmanship and bean-picking equipment, so the quality of the coffee beans is one in a hundred, and defective beans can hardly be seen or found. Similarly, the Duran family also has a corporate conscience, has the benefits of settling down for its employees, and runs a school for its children. it can be said that the Duran family runs a famous coffee farm that is well received by the industry and recognized by the society: speaking of Duran Farm, coffee lovers are no stranger. The Duran family has run coffee farms in the highlands of western Panama for 90 years. The coffee beans on the farm are washed with water, and have unimaginably strict craftsmanship and bean-picking equipment, so the quality of the coffee beans is one in a hundred, and defective beans can hardly be seen or found. Similarly, the Duran family also has a corporate conscience, has the settlement benefits of its employees, and runs a school for its children. it can be said that the Duran family runs a famous coffee farm that is well received by the industry and recognized by the society.

World famous Coffee Manor Tour

Golden Papa White Coffee introduces you to the world-famous coffee farm; Raminita Farm: a place called Dalazu, located south of San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica; Costa Rican coffee marked with "Dalazhu" is a product of this region. Since 1976, Bill Meyabin has taken over the family coffee garden. Under his unremitting efforts to delve into the characteristics of coffee and his painstaking management, "Dalazhu" coffee has been regarded as high-quality manor coffee by coffee lovers, and the reputation of Raminita Farm has spread all over the world. become the best in the coffee farm.