Coffee review

Rich citrus and pulp in Tchembe N2 L7Yirgacheffe (Yega Snow) producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Origin of the name: although the 2013 Tchembe is made from Yega Chet, it is named after haricho and bolo coffee from the Amaro Mountains, which are tanned with carob and banana flavors. Tchembe coffee has a thick feel similar to clay and chocolate, as well as rich layers of citrus and berry flavors. Ninety of origin + Ethiopia

Origin of the name: although the 2013 Tchembe is made from Yega Chet, it is named after haricho and bolo coffee from the Amaro Mountains, which are tanned with carob and banana flavors. Tchembe coffee has a thick feel similar to clay and chocolate, as well as rich layers of citrus and berry flavors.

Origin 90 + Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe (Yega Xuefei) producing area.

1750-2000m above sea level

Treatment mode of solarization

The flavor is characterized by a heavy taste, with earthy, dark fruit and a slight citrus taste.

CoffeeReview score: 4 pts-

Year: 2013

Baker: Barrington Coffee Roasting Co.


Tchembe N2 L7

Although 2013 Tchembe is a Yirgacheffe, the name is inspired by the Haricho and Bolo varieties in the Amaro Mountains, which taste of carob and banana when natural processed. Tchembe coffees tend to be thick with earth and chocolate, and variable layers of citrus and berry.

Origin: Ninety Plus Ethiopia: Achira region

Elevation: 1750-2000m

Processing: Natural

Flavor Profile: Thick, earthy, dark fruits, light citrus