Coffee review

The phenomenon of overextraction of packed coffee powder Italian blending of coffee beans and commercial blending of Italian flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Filling the coffee powder into the powder bowl, the amount of coffee powder should be just right, neither too much nor too little. My general habit is about 17 grams. After the coffee powder is loaded into the powder bowl, wrap the coffee powder with tools or hands, and distribute the coffee powder evenly in the whole powder bowl, so as to make the extraction uniform and avoid the channel effect (

The production process of espresso is filled with coffee powder.

Fill the ground coffee powder into the powder bowl with just the right amount, neither too much nor too little. My general habit is about 17 grams. After the coffee powder is put into the powder bowl, wrap the coffee powder with tools or hands, and distribute the coffee powder evenly throughout the powder bowl, so as to make the extraction uniform and avoid the channel effect (the so-called channel effect, it is due to packing and other reasons that the coffee pressed powder is loose in some places and compact in some places, so that during extraction, a large amount of hot water flows through the loose place, resulting in over-extraction). I am used to wrapping powder, leaving a small drum bag in the middle of the powder bowl, and then filling it. Under pressure, the small drum bag will spread flat.

In the initial unskilled and uncertain practice stage, we can use electronic weighing to assist the practice.

Production of espresso (production of espresso)