Coffee review

Flavor and taste of Indonesian Coffee Manor Coffee beans in Wahana Manor, Indonesia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The prosperity of coffee in Indonesia was not sustainable, coffee production was fatally hit at the end of the 18th century, and leaf rust, originally found in West Java, spread rapidly, destroying the Arabica coffee estate in Indonesia. The leading position of the coffee trade was replaced by the American producing countries. However, it is worth mentioning that the leaf rust disaster did not affect the eastern Indonesian producing areas, namely, Flores Island and Timor, today.

The prosperity of coffee in Indonesia was not sustainable, coffee production was fatally hit at the end of the 18th century, and leaf rust, originally found in West Java, spread rapidly, destroying the Arabica coffee estate in Indonesia. The leading position of the coffee trade was replaced by the American producing countries. However, it is worth mentioning that the leaf rust disaster did not affect the eastern Indonesian producing areas, namely Flores Island and Timor, where the genes of some coffee trees in Timor today can be traced back to the 16th and 17th centuries.

Indonesia ranked third in coffee production in the world in 2013, although 80 per cent of it was Robusta, according to ICO.

Table: 2008-2013 Indonesian coffee output (unit: 000 bags, 60kg/ bags)

Main coffee producing area

Java, the oldest producing area, continues its reputation from the glory days of Indonesian coffee in the 18th century. Java coffee is still reminiscent of high-quality delicacy, when the most famous blend is Java coffee with Yemeni mocha. In addition, Java also has a very famous old coffee Aged coffee, or monsoon coffee Monsooned coffee.

Sumatra, the most legendary producing area, well-known coffee logos include Mandheling Mantenin, Lintong Lintong and Gayo Mountain Gayusan.

Sulawesi Island, famous coffee includes Delaga Toraja.

In addition, Bali, Flores and Timor are also important producing areas.

Coffee planting mode

In the Dutch colonial era, coffee was mainly grown in large estates. After World War II, it experienced the process of nationalization and the movement of independence. Today, about 90% of the coffee produced in Indonesia is produced by small farmers.

Coffee variety

At first, Indonesian coffee was Arabica, and the Arabica manor was destroyed by a leaf rust disaster at the end of the 18th century. at first, the Dutch tried to grow Liberian seeds, and later, they began to plant Robsta seeds on a large scale.

At present, Arabica species account for about 10-15% of the coffee produced in Indonesia, and the rest is Robusta. Although Liberika species are produced, they are basically not included in the coffee trade.

Coffee harvest

There are usually two harvest seasons in Indonesia, the main harvest season (main crop) occurs from September to October, and the second harvest season (fly crop) occurs from May to June.

Arabica will be picked by hand, and workers who pick by hand will enjoy a minimum wage, on the basis of which there will be performance pay.

Brief introduction of Indonesian Coffee Indonesian Coffee (1)

Coffee treatment

Coffee from Java is traditionally washed.

Sumatra and Sulawesi are famous for their "wet planing" wet-hulled with Indonesian characteristics, known locally as Giling Basah.

The drying methods in coffee treatment vary according to the situation: high-priced bed drying in rain canopy, balcony drying, roadside drying and so on.