Coffee review

Taste characteristics of Guatemalan Coffee Manor introduction of Guatemalan Coffee varieties in Incht Manor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, However, the results are different: depending on the weather, soil and altitude, the star variety seems to have different tastes in different geographical locations. However, in the Aktenango region, we can drink the typical Rosa markings: the slender figure, the changes in baking, and the flavor in the cup. Her dry aroma is very powerful, with roses and jasmine

But the results vary: depending on weather, soil and altitude, the star variety doesn't seem to taste the same in different locations. But here in Actanango, we can drink the typical rose marks: slender build, change in baking, and flavor in the cup.

Her dry aroma is very powerful, with rose and jasmine characters, sweet grapefruit and citrus, lightly toasted hazelnut. The wet aroma also has hazelnut and emerges with more floral qualities. In terms of flavor, initially, it may be slightly milder than the previous strong aroma. But give it time to cool down, and the floral and fruity flavors begin to rise as the temperature drops. Sweet candied fruit, rose hips, orange glaze, strawberry jam, hints of pine wood, cherry, vanilla, rose fading and jasmine blooming, lemon juice... these are my cup test notes. This is a coffee that can carry a lot of adjectives. It has a long taste and a sweet aftertaste. But these (flavors) are testing the brightness of the coffee, especially in light roasts. This year's batch, my favorite degree of baking is City+, it's not like the Columbian summer we've sold before, it's more like summer in many degrees of baking, whether it's CITY or FC. In addition, the quality of this year's batch is better than last year's. Before that, the summer in this area generally experienced abnormal weather such as storm disasters. So this year, they're two cups bigger, the flavor is great, and they're more productive. In short, this year's Rose Summer makes us feel very happy. In the past, Guatemala claimed to have 7 major producing areas, which not only distinguished the characteristics, but also made buyers and consumers remember well. Antigua, the slight plateau, Lake Attitan, Coban Rainforest, etc. in 7 regions, each region can find excellent estates and good coffee with local characteristics. After the topic, I once asked William, former chairman of Anna Coffee Association, to become a producing area. Not only I, that year, served as the international judge of the country's CoE. We are interested in learning more about this emerging production area, William not only made a power point to explain the conditions and process of developing a production area, in the cup test gap, but also arranged for us to tour Aktiran enough, I am in the three estates in the area, all measured back to be different from other areas of good beans, in short, is very sweet and pleasing enough meticulous.

Acatenango is located in Chimaltenango province of Guatemala. The coffee plantations of more than 5000 hectares are fertile volcanic, mainly located in two volcanic mountains, and almost all of them have forests and shade trees. As can be seen from the photos above, almost all of the estates are planted in shade, the main varieties are bourbon and some Catuai and Caturra .

Acatenango is the third highest volcano in Central America, and beyond Fuego lies Lake Atlantis.

Annual rainfall in this area is 48 to 72 inches, annual average temperature is 14 to 31 degrees C, temperature difference is large enough, so the bean density is tight, which is helpful for flavor. Coffee harvest season is mainly from mid January to March. Kaqchiquels still live in the area and maintain traditional farming methods; there are about 4,000 farmers in the area, and coffee cultivation dates back to 1880.