Coffee review

Taste and flavor characteristics of Panamanian Coffee Manor Panamanian Coffee in Esmeralda Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Far from the southwest coast of Panama, Kuiba National Park protects the waters around Kuiba, 38 small islands and Chiriki Bay. Koiba's Pacific rainforest is unaffected by cold winds and El Ni ñ o. Due to the continuous evolution of new species, it contains extremely high levels of endemic mammals, birds and plants. This is the last of many endangered animals like the crowned eagle.

Far from the southwest coast of Panama, Kuiba National Park protects the waters around Kuiba, 38 small islands and Chiriki Bay. Koiba's Pacific rainforest is unaffected by cold winds and El Ni ñ o, and because of the continued evolution of new species, it contains extremely high levels of endemic mammals, birds and plants. It is also the last refuge for many endangered animals like the crowned eagle.

It is an important natural laboratory for scientists and provides a key link in the ecology of the hot eastern Pacific for the transfer and survival of pelagic fish and marine mammals. Koiba National Park, which provides shelter for 760 species of marine fish, 37 species of sharks and 20 species of whales, is known as a "biological treasure house".

American Bridge

The American Bridge (formerly known as the Thatcher Ferry Bridge) is a road bridge across the Pacific Ocean at the entrance of the Panama Canal. The American Bridge was built in 1962 at a cost of 20 million US dollars. before the centennial bridge was completed and opened to traffic in 2004, the American Bridge was the only bridge connecting the North and South American continents.

The American Bridge, which is 1653 meters long, flies high on both sides of the canal, and the steel frame rises upward in a bow, like a dragon of the Weizhen Canal. It takes only a few minutes for a car to cross the bridge from South America to North America, so Panama City's superior location is unparalleled in the world. According to statistics, about 40,000 cars pass through every day, and many ships pass under the bridge. There are some small stalls near the bridgehead, selling a variety of local tourist souvenirs, including the famous Panama straw hat. The bridge is an impressive building, with a steady stream under it and pedestrians on it. At the end of the day, many ships pass under the bridge in order to enter or leave the Panama Canal.

Panama's geographical advantage is that it has many distinctive microclimate areas suitable for coffee cultivation, and Panama also has many persistent and professional coffee growers. This means there will be a lot of very good coffee in Panama, but these coffees are often associated with high prices.

The high price of coffee in Panama is mainly caused by the following factors:

Land price: for the people of North America, they very much want to buy a stable and beautiful land at a low price. Panama is such a place;

More farmers in Panama grow coffee for export in the name of manors to emphasize their own manors;

Panamanian labor law has higher requirements for labor employment, so the coffee industry has to pay higher wages, which has to be paid by consumers.

Esmeralda Manor

When it comes to coffee prices, we should pay great attention to a manor in Panama, and it can even be said that so far, no other single estate has had such an impact on coffee farming in Central America. This is the Esmeralda Manor, which belongs to and is run by the Peterson family in the Pokuit producing area, where there are many excellent estates, except the famous Emerald Manor, Alida Manor, Aqaba Manor and so on, all of which produce high-quality boutique coffee. This is not only due to the superior ecological conditions of the Pokuit region of Panama and the fertile volcanic ash soil of the Baru volcanic land. Another important factor is that the microclimate in the Poquet Heights of Panama is a unique and important resource for boutique coffee in the Pokuit region. This is the Panamanian environment from east to west that allows cold air to converge above 6500 feet through the Central Mountains, thus creating a variety of microclimates in the Pokuit region, making its temperature and rainfall very suitable for plant growth. so the coffee trees grown here grow very well.

In Poquet's unique planting environment, there is naturally not only the rose summer of emerald, the king of coffee, regardless of flavor, quality and value, but I think it is quite extravagant to drink rose summer every day, and even if there is no economic pressure, it is not like eating shark's fin and bear's paw every day. The same is true of coffee. Only by dabbling in a wide range of subjects can you enjoy the pleasure of tasting coffee more.