Coffee review

Fragrant Jamaican Coffee Manor flavor and taste characteristics of Cliff Manor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It attaches importance to United cooperation in the Caribbean region and strives to promote the process of regional integration. It is one of the founding members of the Caribbean Community. Tooth plays an active role in promoting political unity and economic cooperation among CARICOM members. In early 2006, Ya became the first member of the CARICOM single market. Relations with Cuba Yagu established diplomatic relations in December 1972. Severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1981. 1990 7

It attaches importance to solidarity and cooperation in the Caribbean region and strives to promote the process of regional integration. It is one of the founding members of the Caribbean Community. He said that Canada plays an active role in promoting political unity and economic cooperation among CARICOM members. In early 2006, Jamaica became the first member of the CARICOM Single Market.

relations with Cuba

December 1972: Establishment of diplomatic relations. Diplomatic relations with Cuba were severed in 1981. On 27 July 1990, Cuba resumed diplomatic relations. The relationship between Cuba and Jamaica has developed rapidly and exchanges between the two sides have increased day by day. In September 2006, the Cuban Government sponsored 170 dental students to study in Cuba. Since 1973, more than 13000 students of Cuban nationality have received subsidies from the Cuban government to study in Cuba. With the development of relations between Cuba and Jamaica, Jamaica has expressed great support for Cuba in the multilateral field, especially in the economic and trade field. It advocates Cuba's accession to CARICOM and Lomé follow-up agreement, participation in the Caribbean economic integration process and negotiation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas. the united states has also firmly opposed the embargo policy imposed by the united states on cuba for a long time.

relations with Russia

Jamaica established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in March 1975. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Georgian government officially recognized Russia and other CIS member states in January 1992. In October 1999, due to financial constraints, the embassy in Russia was closed. In June 2000, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Robertson was invited to visit Russia. During the visit, the two sides signed a protocol establishing a consultation mechanism between the foreign ministries of the two countries, an agreement on mutual exemption of visas, an agreement on cooperation between the judicial ministries of the two countries and a cooperation plan on science, technology, culture and education, and discussed trade and investment issues. Russia imports a considerable amount of bauxite from Jamaica, and many Russian tourists travel to Jamaica every year.

relations with Japan

Diplomatic relations established in 1964. since then, bilateral relations have been developing smoothly. There is a consultation mechanism between the two countries at the foreign minister level. Japan provides aid to Jamaica mainly through donations, loans, debt relief, in-kind donations and investments, and sends young volunteers to Jamaica to serve. Cultural, artistic and educational exchange projects between the two countries have also been continuously developed. Japan is the largest overseas market for Blue Mountain coffee and rum The earliest coffee on the island of Jamaica was introduced from Haiti in Latin America in 1728. By 1790, refugees from Haiti included coffee farmers who settled in the Blue Mountains and brought coffee growing techniques to the region. Slavery was abolished in Jamaica in 1838 and freed slaves were allowed to farm their own land. Freed slaves moved to the mountains to grow coffee and export it to England. Coffee became known for its appreciation by the British upper class. This coffee is the Blue Mountain coffee that today fascinates coffee lovers all over the world.

Pure Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet and alcoholic flavors of coffee perfectly to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor that is unmatched by other coffees. Blue Mountain coffee lovers say: "It's a coffee beauty with all the advantages of good coffee in one." Jim, general manager of Pitt's Coffee and Tea Company, described Blue Mountain coffee as "aromatic, smooth, mellow, and precious to me." Because Blue Mountain Coffee tastes moderate and perfect, Blue Mountain Coffee is generally drunk as black coffee."

Traditional manufacturing techniques

Blue Mountain Coffee can maintain today's premium status, but also inseparable from the local business policy. In 1932, Jamaica adopted a policy to encourage coffee production, reducing the island's dependence on sugar exports. The local government did not plant a large number of high-quality coffee in order to increase production value, as most coffee-producing countries did. Instead, it preferred quality to be superior, preferring to sacrifice coffee production to ensure the quality of blue mountain coffee. As a result, Jamaica is currently one of the world's low coffee producers. Brazil, the world's largest coffee exporter, produces 30 million bags of coffee every year, while Blue Mountain Coffee produces only about 40,000 bags of coffee every year. Blue Mountain Coffee is the most superior coffee in the world, and its output is relatively small. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of Jamaica Island. They are named because they are surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. Blue Mountain peak elevation of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean, is also a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, it has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all year round (average precipitation is 1980 mm, temperature is about 27 degrees), which creates the world-famous Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and also creates the second highest coffee price in the world. This kind of coffee has all the characteristics of good coffee, not only the taste is rich and mellow, but also because the sweet, sour and bitter flavors of coffee are perfectly matched, so there is no bitterness at all, only moderate and perfect sourness. Generally, they are consumed as a single item, but due to the extremely low output and extremely expensive price, coffee is generally prepared with similar taste on the market.

How to practice the "pure" Blue Mountain coffee Why taste pure "secret": Their coffee trees all grow on rugged hillsides, the picking process is very difficult, non-local skilled female workers simply can not be competent. It's important to pick coffee beans that are ripe, as immature or overripe can affect the quality of coffee. The beans are shelled the same day and allowed to ferment for 12-18 hours. Coffee beans are then washed and sifted. After that, the process is drying, which must be carried out on concrete floor or thick blanket until the humidity of coffee beans drops to 12%-14%. Then they are stored in special silos. When needed, it is taken out and roasted, and then ground into powder. These procedures must be strictly controlled, otherwise, the quality of coffee will be affected.