Coffee review

Fragrant and delicious Nicaraguan Coffee Manor flavor and taste characteristics of lemon tree manor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Columbus arrived here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began to conquer the region. The cities of Granada and Leon were founded in 1524. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and came under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Office of Guatemala. The city of Leon developed into a political and cultural center; Granada became a commercial and agricultural center. In the later period of colonial rule

Columbus sailed here in 1502 and reached the east coast of Nicaragua. In 1522, Spanish colonists began conquering the area. In 1524 the cities of Granada and Leon were founded. From then on, Nicaragua became a Spanish colony and was placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor General of Guatemala. León became a political and cultural centre; Granada became a commercial and agricultural centre. In the later period of colonial rule, the large manor economy developed to a certain extent, and beef, cocoa and indigo became the main products. It became a Spanish colony in 1525. In the mid-17th century, the British occupied the Mosquito coast and declared it a British protectorate until the London Agreement with Spain was signed in 1786. [3]

declared independence

On September 15, 1821, Nicaragua cast off the Spanish colonial yoke and declared independence. He briefly joined the Mexican Empire in 1822 - 1823. Joined the Central American Federation from 1823 to 1838. [3]


In 1839, Nicaragua was established as a republic. In 1912, the United States established a military base in Nicaragua. [3]


From July 1927, Augusto. Cesar Sandinista led a guerrilla war against the American occupation, forcing the withdrawal of American troops in 1933. February 21, 1934 Nicaragua National Guard Commander Anastasio. Somoza. Garcia assassinated Sandino at the behest of President Roosevelt. He took office in 1936 and established a pro-American family "Cordillo"-style dictatorship for more than 40 years until 1979. In 1964, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FNL) was established and began its revolutionary struggle against the Somoza dictatorship. Nicaragua is now one of the poorest countries in Central America. Due to its poor economic foundation, the coffee industry is still in a relatively backward state, and coffee farmers are in an extremely poor state. Fortunately, Nicaragua's coffee has received some foreign aid funds to improve the quality of its coffee. Nicaragua's Madagelba, Chinodega, Segovia region of coffee produced by coffee lovers respected the world. In particular, coffee grown in the Madagerba region tastes very similar to Kenyan AA coffee.

When tasting Nicaragua coffee, it is best to drink a mouthful of cold water first, so that you can better feel its mellow taste. Drink coffee while it is hot, because tannic acid in Nicaragua coffee is easy to change in the process of cooling, which makes the taste sour and affects the flavor of coffee. You can add sugar and then creamer. Enjoy a cup of high-quality Nicaragua coffee, not only can you experience the different levels of coffee taste, but will also help improve the ability to appreciate coffee.

Coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. Nicaragua's total coffee production for the 1998/99 coffee year could be 12 per cent lower than in 1997/98 due to the poor harvest in the Pacific region, according to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers Federation. Nicaragua harvested a total of 1.422 million bags (46kg/bag) of coffee in the 1997/98 coffee year, the best harvest since coffee production hovered around 1 million bags for 14 years. Coffee exports are expected to be around 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in 1998. $600 million, Nicaragua coffee production will drop sharply @ Vechele coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. nicaragua's total coffee production for the 1998/99 coffee season may be 12 percent lower than in 1997/98 because of the poor harvest in the pacific region, according to the president of the Nicaragua coffee farmers federation