Coffee review

Introduction to the planting environment of coffee flavor and taste of Joy Manor in Nicaragua

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Sandino National Liberation Front: the ruling party. Established on July 23, 1961, mainly composed of workers, farmers and intellectuals, it waged a long armed struggle to overthrow the military dictatorship of Somoza. He was in power from July 1979 to April 1990. He won the general election in November 2006 and returned to power after 16 years of loss of power. Won again in the general election in November 2011 and remained in power. Total

Sandino National Liberation Front: the ruling party. Established on July 23, 1961, mainly composed of workers, farmers and intellectuals, it waged a long armed struggle to overthrow the military dictatorship of Somoza. He was in power from July 1979 to April 1990. He won the general election in November 2006 and returned to power after 16 years of loss of power. Won again in the general election in November 2011 and remained in power. General Secretary Daniel Ortega, the current president.

Independent Liberal Party: opposition party. Founded in 1944, it is mainly composed of members of the Liberal nationalist Party who are dissatisfied with the Somoza family. In November 2011, his candidate Gadya took part in the presidential election, ranking second with 31.13% of the vote. Chairman Educardo Montealegre.

Constitutional Liberal Party: opposition party. He took office for the first time in 1996. Won again in the general election in November 2001. Lost the general election in November 2006. The current chairman, Maria Ayd Osuna (female), General Secretary Miguel Rosales Ortega.

Nicaraguan Freedom Union: opposition party. Founded in 2006 by former Interior Minister Montealegre, it is mainly composed of members of the Constitutional Liberal Party who are dissatisfied with Alemann's alliance with SPLF. In November 2006, his candidate Montealegre took part in the presidential election, ranking second with 28% of the vote.

Sandino Reform Movement: opposition party, founded on 18 May 1995. It is mainly composed of some cadres, intellectuals and artists separated from the Sang Jiefang, and advocates the maintenance of social democracy, legal system, and fairness. Chairman Enrique Saenz. [1]


There are the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the Court of the Republic. The Supreme Court is composed of 16 justices elected by the National Assembly for a term of five years. President of the Supreme Court Alvarus Ramos Barnegas. [1]

Political dignitaries

President Daniel Ortega Saavedra. Born in 1945. He joined Sang Jiefang in 1963. In 1981, he served as coordinator of the Executive Committee of the Government of National Revival (equivalent to head of Government). He was elected president of Nepal in 1984 and came to power in 1985-1990. He has been general secretary of Sang Jiefang since 1991. In 1990, 1996 and 2001, he lost three presidential races. He won the fourth election in 2006 and took office in January 2007. He was re-elected in November 2011 and took office in 2012. Mrs. Rosario Murillo, has eight children.

Coffee is Nicaragua's main export. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997. In the 1997-1998 coffee year, Nicaragua harvested a total of 1.422 million bags (46kg per bag) of coffee, the best harvest in 14 years after coffee production hovered around 1 million bags. It is estimated that the income from coffee exports in 1998 will be about 1.6 billion US dollars, and Nicaraguan coffee production will drop sharply. Wei Kailei coffee is Nicaragua's main export product. According to the president of the Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers' Federation, due to the poor harvest of coffee in Nicaragua's Pacific region, the country's total coffee production in 1998 may be 12% lower than that in 1997.

"Nicaragua | Nicaragua Coffee Nicaragua coffee Nicaragua Coffee Bean"

Nicaragua is one of the major coffee-producing countries, producing high-quality coffee. Even coffee from the Antigua Mountains of Guatemala, which is famous in Asia, imports raw beans from Nicaragua. Nicaraguan coffee is not well-known in Asia. But in fact, Nepalese coffee is already famous all over the world (Starbucks has many cooperative coffee farmers in Nepal), while the coffee quality produced by several coffee producing countries in Central America, such as Guatemala, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, is similar, mainly due to weather conditions, soil fertility, planting height and other conditions.

The cultivation and production of Nepalese coffee has a unique environment, a wide range of fertile volcanic ash soil, and shaded planting methods have established a good production quality. Nepalese coffee has a rich mellow and fragrant taste, moderate acidity and excellent balance of bitterness, which is regarded as top grade in the eyes of international coffee experts.