Coffee review

Introduction to Santa Cruz Manor in Ecuador Coffee Flavor and Taste area, which can be made into High-quality mixed Coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, West coast: including coastal plains and foothills, high in the east and low in the west, generally below 200 meters above sea level, with some hills and low mountains at an altitude of 600 to 700 meters. Belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, the southernmost end begins to transition to the savanna climate. The average annual precipitation decreases from more than 3000 mm to about 500mm from north to south: part of the Amazon basin. Altitude 1200mm 250

West coast: including coastal plains and foothills, high in the east and low in the west, generally below 200 meters above sea level, with some hills and low mountains at an altitude of 600 to 700 meters. Belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, the southernmost end begins to transition to the savanna climate. The average annual precipitation decreases from more than 3000 mm to about 500mm from north to south: part of the Amazon basin. The foothills of the foothills with an altitude of 1200 to 250 meters above sea level are rapid. below 250 meters are alluvial plains. The river is open, the current is gentle, and there are many rivers.

Located in the Pacific Ocean, the Cologne Islands (Galapagos Islands) is more than 900km east from the mainland coast and covers an area of 7800 square km, including 7 large islands and about 70 small islands. The names of the provinces composed entirely of volcanic cones and lava are as follows: Piccha, Asuai, Boliwar, Canyar, Karch, Kodoto Paxi, Chimborazo, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Inbabula, Loha, Los Rios, Manawi, Zamora-Cippe, Napo, Morona-Santiago, Pastasa, Tungurava, Galapagos, The ports of Sugumbios and Francesco de Orellana Guayaquil are the largest seaports in Ecuador. It faces the Pacific Ocean and backs against Mount Santa Ana. The nearby island of Pune serves as a natural barrier to protect the harbour from storms. There is a wharf in the south, which is more than 900 meters long. Ships from different parts of the world flying various flags are moored in the harbor. The port railway leads to the capital Quito, and highways connect Quito with other cities in the country. Bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton and other products from all over the country are collected and distributed here. Guayaquil has also played an important role in the history of friendly exchanges between the peoples of China and Ecuador. As early as the 18th century, Chinese clothing, textiles and other goods were shipped to Ecuadorian cities through Guayaquil. In August 1978, the Chinese cargo ship Jialing River arrived here for the first time. Most of the import and export goods of the two countries are also the Republic of Ecuador (English: The Republic of Ecuador; Spanish: La Rep ú blica de Ecuador) referred to as Ecuador, which is transshipped through Guayaquil. It means "equator" in Spanish. Also known as "Equator country", "Banana country Juan Len Mera (1832 Mel 1894) composed lyrics, and Antonio Neumane (1818 Mel 1871) composed music. The lyrics were written on November 26, 1865. In 1923, the Eritrean Senate approved the revision of the original lyrics by the Eritrean language Institute under the leadership of the son of Mera. On November 23, 1924, the Eritrean government issued a decree defining the revised song as the national anthem.

The best Ecuadorian coffee is grown on St. Cristobal Island in the Galapagos Islands, which has the unique natural geographical conditions for giving birth to the best quality coffee in the world. A cup of Galapagos coffee, like the beautiful scenery of the Galapagos Islands, is bound to impress you that the main problem facing coffee producers is to strive to maintain stable quality. The coffee in the area is generally well-balanced and refreshing, and there is a unique flavor when Thomas and the crew landed on the island, frantically looking for water, so thirsty that they squeezed juice from the fat leaves of the cactus. At last a source of water was found in a rocky gully. Thomas attributed it to the gift of God, because it was good Friday, and they had piously celebrated mass before they set out in search of water. However, Thomas will never know that the island they landed on is the only island in the Galapagos Islands with plenty of fresh water. It is today's St. Cristobal Island (Saint Cristobal). Due to the unique role of the Galapagos Islands in the course of history, the Ecuadorian government has turned the Galapagos Islands into a national park and is no longer allowed to reclaim the land for new agricultural land. And the introduction and use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals are strictly prohibited, so coffee produced in the Galapagos Islands is recognized as a natural product. As coffee is consumed by people all over the world, the world coffee industry is also moving towards mass production, while a smaller coffee industry such as St. Cristobal is in trouble and may eventually be forced to give up without profit. It wasn't until the early 1990s that the Gonzalez family bought Hasunda Coffee Park. The localized microclimate caused by the Humboldt current (HumboldtCurrent), strong equatorial sunlight and sharp temperature changes (43 ℃ at sea level and 10 ℃ to 16 ℃ above sea level) provided advantageous conditions that prompted the Gonzalez family to expand their coffee plantation. By reclaiming the early land, the Gonzalez family doubled the area of the coffee plantation.