Coffee review

Unique taste of Ecuadorian Coffee Manor characteristics, flavor and taste of Santa Cruz Manor

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Central mountain: after entering Ecuador from Colombia, the Andes is divided into the eastern and western Cordillera mountains, with a plateau high in the north and low in the south, averaging between 2500 and 3000 meters above sea level. The Andes run through the middle of the border. The ridges crisscross, dividing the plateau into more than ten intermountain basins. The most important are the Quito basin and the Cuenca basin in the south. There are many volcanoes in the territory.

Central mountain: after entering Ecuador from Colombia, the Andes is divided into the eastern and western Cordillera mountains, with a plateau high in the north and low in the south, averaging between 2500 and 3000 meters above sea level. The Andes run through the middle of the border. The ridges crisscross, dividing the plateau into more than ten intermountain basins. The most important are the Quito basin and the Cuenca basin in the south. There are many volcanoes and frequent earthquakes in the territory. The famous Kotopaxi volcano, 5897 meters above sea level, is one of the highest active volcanoes in the world. Chimborazo Mountain in central Ecuador, 6262 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in Ecuador, Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador. It is 6384.1 kilometers from the center of the earth to the top of the mountain. Mount Chimborazo, located in the West Cordillera in the Andes, has long been mistaken for the highest peak in the Andes. It is a dormant volcano with many craters and glaciers at the top of the mountain, about 4694 meters above The names of the perennial snow provinces are as follows: Piccha, Asuai, Boliwar, Canyar, Karch, Codoto Paxi, Chimborazo, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Inbabula, Loha, Los Rios, Manawi, Zamora-admiration, Napo, Morona-Santiago, Pastasa, Tungurawa, Galapagos, The ports of Sugumbios and Francesco de Orellana Guayaquil are the largest seaports in Ecuador. It faces the Pacific Ocean and backs against Mount Santa Ana. The nearby island of Pune serves as a natural barrier to protect the harbour from storms. There is a wharf in the south, which is more than 900 meters long. Ships from different parts of the world flying various flags are moored in the harbor. The port railway leads to the capital Quito, and highways connect Quito with other cities in the country. Bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton and other products from all over the country are collected and distributed here. Guayaquil has also played an important role in the history of friendly exchanges between the peoples of China and Ecuador. As early as the 18th century, Chinese clothing, textiles and other goods were shipped to Ecuadorian cities through Guayaquil. In August 1978, the Chinese cargo ship Jialing River arrived here for the first time. Most of the import and export goods of the two countries are transhipped through Guayaquil.

In 1535, Frey Thomas de Belanga of Spain and others stumbled upon the Galapagos Islands. Thomas was born in 1487 on the Douro River in the province of Soria, Spain, and was the fourth bishop of Panama at that time. He was ordered to go to Peru. When his ship set sail from Panama on February 23, under the impact of a strong current, they were taken to the unknown sea and discovered a small island in the Galapagos Islands on March 10. At that time, there were only two days of fresh water left on the ship, and the sailors landed in lifeboats and found a large number of seals, sea turtles, giant tortoises that could carry people, and iguanas that looked like venomous snakes, but they did not find fresh water, so they sailed to another larger island more than 20 kilometers away. As there was still no wind, it took them several days to get there, the water ran out quickly, and they had to starve, including no grass on the ship's horses as the coffee was drunk by people all over the world. the world coffee industry is also moving towards a mass production model, while the smaller and precarious coffee industry like St. Cristobal is in trouble and may eventually be forced to give up without profit. It wasn't until the early 1990s that the Gonzalez family bought Hasunda Coffee Park. The localized microclimate caused by the Humboldt current (HumboldtCurrent), strong equatorial sunlight and sharp temperature changes (43 ℃ at sea level and 10 ℃ to 16 ℃ above sea level) provided advantageous conditions that prompted the Gonzalez family to expand their coffee plantation. Through the reclamation of the early land, the Gonzalez family doubled the area of the coffee plantation. Ecuadorian Class A coffee, with a large state-run seed value garden, was produced in the natural vegetation zone of the 1300-2000 meter highland, popular in Europe and the United States, and tasted the exquisite world-class Arabica Arabica flavor at supermarket prices.

ES Coffee is a clean organic coffee grown on the slopes of the Andes in Latin America. It is 100% pure coffee, and the quality of our coffee has been guaranteed and improved by working to improve the economic and working conditions of the plantation, while maintaining the small scale of the coffee plantation and the biodiversity in the hospital. In addition, it is one of the very important economic sources of coffee origin, because it is all dried and packaged locally, which ensures that it is a very unique kind of coffee in the world! At the same time, it ensures its unique taste.