Coffee review

Colombia Santa Rita Estate Coffee with Good Balance

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1815, Bolivar envisaged in his Letter from Jamaica that, when South America was liberated from Spanish colonial rule, New Granada and Venezuela should form a single state, to be named Colombia. In August 1819, Bolivar's Patriotic Army defeated the Spanish colonial army at the Battle of Poiaca and liberated Bogotá. So, new Granada and Venezuela

In his letter from Jamaica in 1815, Bolivar envisioned that when South America was liberated from Spanish colonial rule, New Granada and Venezuela should form a country, named Colombia. In August 1819, Bolivar's Patriotic Army defeated the Spanish colonial army at the Battle of Boyaca and liberated Bogota. As a result, New Granada and most of Venezuela have been liberated. With the consent of the patriotic army and people of New Granada, Bolivar proposed in the Venezuelan Congress held in Angostura in December of the same year that Venezuela and New Granada unite to form a unified country. On December 17, Congress passed a resolution formally establishing the union of the two regions.

The Republic of Colombia. In May 1821, the State of Colombia held a Constituent Assembly in Kukuta, the interim capital, which adopted and promulgated the first Constitution of Colombia on August 20. The Constitution provides for a centralized republic and a series of decrees declaring the abolition of slavery, the liberation of slaves and their children, the prohibition of slave trade, and the equal rights of citizens, with freedom of speech and the press. The meeting elected Bolivar as the first President of the Republic and Santander as Vice President. In May 1822, General Bolivar Sucre led the army to liberate Quito, and then Ecuador announced to join the Republic of Colombia at the beginning of the 20th century. Colombia's economy developed, coffee and oil production increased, the textile and food industries developed, and transportation improved. In November 1903, the United States instigated Panama's independence from Colombia (see Panama's independence). At the same time, the United States and Britain invested heavily in Colombian oil, railways and coffee and banana plantations to plunder Colombia's wealth. After the outbreak of the capitalist world economic crisis in 1929, Colombia's exports of coffee and oil decreased, making people's lives even more difficult. In July 1930, the Communist Party of Colombia was founded. In the same year, E. Oraya Herrera was elected president (1930-1934).

After the Liberal Party returned to power, it implemented some reforms under the pressure of the people. a. During Lopez Pumareho's first reign, the Constitution was amended in 1936: defining the principle of separation of powers and implementing direct elections; abolishing the Catholic Church's monopoly on education; stipulating that workers have the right to strike and freedom to choose their careers; the government recognizes the ownership of farmers' occupation of private wasteland and stipulates the maximum working days and unemployment benefits for workers. During the second World War, due to the decrease in imports of industrial products and the increase in coffee exports, Colombia's industry and agriculture developed, the country's gold reserves increased, and the working class grew. After the outbreak of the Pacific War in December 1941, Colombia severed diplomatic relations with Japan and declared war on Germany in November 1943.

The main varieties of Colombian coffee are small grains of coffee. Plants are small trees or large shrubs, 5-8 m tall, usually much branched at base; old branches gray-white, nodes dilated, young branches glabrous, compressed. Leaves thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide, apex long acuminate, acuminate part 10-15 mm long, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, rarely rounded, entire or shallowly wavy, both surfaces glabrous, lower vein axils with or without small pores; midrib raised on both surfaces of leaf, 7-13 on each side of lateral veins; petiole 8-15 mm long Stipules broadly triangular, arising from the tip of the upper part of the young branch conical or awn tip, the tip of the old branch is often protruding tip, 3-6 mm long. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, each with 2-5 flowers, without a total pedicel or with a very short peduncle; flowers fragrant, with pedicels 0.5-1 mm long; bracts base ±connate, dimorphic, 2 broadly triangular, nearly equal in length and width, the other 2 lanceolate, 2 times as long as wide, leaf-shaped; calyx tubular, 2.5-3 mm long, calyx eaves truncate or 5-denticulate. Corolla white, length varies from breed to breed, generally 10-18 mm long, apically often 5-lobed, rarely 4-or 6-lobed, lobes often longer than Corolla tube, tip often obtuse; anthers protruding from Corolla tube, 6-8 mm long; style 12-14 mm long, stigma 2-lobed, 3-4 mm long. Berries broadly elliptic, red, 12-16 mm long, 10-12 mm in diameter, exocarp dura, mesocarp fleshy, sweet at maturity; seeds raised abaxially, ventral flat, longitudinally grooved, 8-10 mm long and 5-7 mm in diam. From March to April, Colombian coffee is first produced by Medellin in terms of yield and texture, which is characterized by full granules, rich nutrition, moderate acidity, good balance, rich aroma and soft taste. In addition to Medellin, the capitals of two neighboring provinces in the south, Armenia and Manizales, are also famous coffee producers, which formerly belonged to Medellin's province of Andiquio, which had a Caldas football team that played in the last Toyota Cup. These three places form the world-famous "coffee zone". [1]

Coffee workers go up the mountain to pick coffee beans (also known as coffee cherries) by hand, so they can pick carefully and pick the most ripe and full fruits. The vast majority of Colombian coffee beans are water-washed and moderately roasted with a light silky and sometimes sour taste, which is not as strong as Brazilian coffee and Italian Expresso and is known as "green gold".