Coffee review

Unique sour Jamaica Atlanta Manor Coffee Flavor Taste Region Variety Introduction

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kingston is also a tourist resort. Located on the southeast coast of the bay at the southwest foot of the highest mountain on the island, there is fertile Guanea Plain nearby. It covers an area of about 500 square kilometers (including suburbs) and has a population of 970,000. It's like spring all year round here, and the temperature is often between 23 and 29 degrees Celsius. Green hills and peaks on three sides of the city, blue waves on one side, picturesque Caribbean cities

Kingston is also a tourist resort. Located on the southeast coast of the bay at the southwest foot of the highest mountain on the island, there is fertile Guanea Plain nearby. It covers an area of about 500 square kilometers (including suburbs) and has a population of 970,000. It's like spring all year round here, and the temperature is often between 23 and 29 degrees Celsius. The city is green hills and peaks on three sides, one side is the sea blue waves, picturesque, has the reputation of "the queen of the Caribbean city" composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives for a term of five years. There are 21 Senators appointed by the Governor-General, 13 of whom are recommended by the Prime Minister and 8 by the Leader of the Opposition. 63 members of the House of Representatives elected by universal suffrage. The current House of Representatives was elected on 29 December 2011 with 42 seats for the People's National Party and 21 seats for the Labour Party. Senate President Floyd Morris took office on May 17, 2013. Speaker Michael PEART took office on January 17, 2012. [13]


Jamaica's judicial system is modelled on the British judicial system, with the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Court of First Instance and specialized courts, with the Privy Council as the final judicial body. The Presidents of the Houses are nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General with the consent of the Opposition for an unlimited term. Seymour PANTON, President of the Court of Appeal, took office in July 2007. Supreme Court President Zaila MCCALLA, inaugurated in June 2007, the Defence Council is the highest defence decision-making body with command and control over the armed forces. The current strength of the Defence Force is less than 4000. Among them, there are more than 2500 active duty personnel and nearly 1000 reserve personnel. The active forces are divided into three armed forces: land, sea and air, with two infantry battalions, one aviation group, one coastal defense team, one engineering battalion and one service battalion. The army is commanded by the Chief of Staff, Major-General Stewart Saunders, who took office in October 2007. the Jamaica police force and that special police force have policing and agency security role respectively

When you say Jamaica, your eyes light up because it produces the best Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, it has a good balance of acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness, it tastes fragrant and tastes very smooth; however, it is too expensive, and although it is worth trying, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffees also have their own characteristics, and taste delicious, the price is reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Wallenford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former having the best quality; today's "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountain region (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now the largest estate in the country, M.B.C. F is printed on its barrels, and its products are often found in Taiwan. Jamaica Blue Mountain is a very strict quality control, by the government "Coffee Industry Council" certification work.

Coffee beans generally grown at low altitudes and other regions can only be called "Jamaica mountain beans" or "Jamaica washed beans." Compared with Jamaica Blue Mountain, the flavor is much different. However, these producing areas are twice the area of the real Blue Mountain region and account for 75% of the country's production. Therefore, when buying Jamaica coffee, don't think that you have bought Blue Mountain coffee.

Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Basically, this is a comprehensive product prepared by the store itself. There may be a real Jamaica Blue Mountain bean. Blue Mountain coffee is the most superior coffee in the world. The weather, geological structure and terrain of Jamaica jointly provide an ideal place. Ridges running through Jamaica extend to the east of the island, and the Blue Mountains rise to more than 2100 meters. The weather is cool, foggy and rainy frequently. Use this rich soil to harmonize with rainwater. Here, coffee trees are grown in a mixed cropping system, alongside banana and avocado trees on terraces. Some small farms are also planted. But even the region's largest planters are small-scale farmers by international standards, many of them smallholders whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica faces a number of problems, such as the impact of hurricanes, increased labour costs and difficulties in mechanising terraces. Many small estates and farms are difficult to rationalize