Coffee review

Unique flavor of Jamaica Silver Mountain Manor Coffee Flavor Characteristics Introduction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The country is divided into three counties: Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey. The three counties are divided into 14 boroughs, of which Kingston and St Andrew form a joint borough, so there are actually only 13 boroughs. The names of the districts are as follows: Kingston and St. Andrew's Joint District, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, St. Anna, Triloni, St. James, Hanover, Victoria

The country is divided into three counties: Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey. The three counties are further divided into 14 districts, of which Kingston and St. Andrews form a joint district, so there are actually only 13 district governments. The names of the districts are as follows: United area of Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, Santa Ana, Trelawney, St. James, Hanover, Westmorland, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, Clarendon, St. Catherine Tropical Rainforest Climate. The rainy season is from May to June and from September to November every year, with the most showers in January and May. The dry season is from December to March next year, and the weather turns cooler. The half-year period from June to the end of November is often hit by hurricanes and tropical storms. The north-central region is rich in rainfall, the climate is generally between 22 and 32 degrees, and the annual average temperature is 27 degrees tropical rainforest climate. The rainy season is from May to June and from September to November every year, with the most showers in January and May. The dry season is from December to March next year, and the weather turns cooler. The half-year period from June to the end of November is often hit by hurricanes and tropical storms. The north-central region is rich in rainfall, the climate is generally between 22 and 32 degrees, and the annual average temperature is 27 degrees. Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy. On August 6, 1962, the current Constitution entered into force. The head of state of Jamaica is the Queen of England, and the Governor of Jamaica is appointed by the Queen after being recommended by the Prime Minister to the Queen. In accordance with the provisions of the Jamaican Constitution, the Governor appoints the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives as the Prime Minister of the Government and appoints Cabinet Ministers on the basis of the Prime Minister's nomination. The Jamaican Parliament is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, which are appointed and elected. The Jamaican Labor Party and the people's National Party have been in power for a long time, and the political situation is stable, but social problems such as unemployment, poverty, drug trafficking and violent crimes are prominent. In February 2016, the Labour Party won the general election, and on March 3, Andrew Holnis was sworn in as the new prime minister.

Because of its high price, Blue Mountain Coffee has a relatively fixed consumer group, and its market is mainly concentrated in Japan, followed by some European and American countries. Coffee beans are full in shape and slightly larger than ordinary beans. Its taste is very subtle, sour, fragrant, mellow, sweetness is uniform and strong, slightly bitter, harmonious taste, excellent flavor, suitable for individual coffee. It uses medium roasting (Medium Roast) to maximize the original taste of the coffee and enhance its aftertaste.

With the improvement of domestic coffee consumption, a large number of cafes begin to supply "Blue Mountain Coffee", and its price is often only a fraction or a tenth of that of authentic Blue Mountain coffee. In 2005, under the guidance of Taiwan coffee manufacturers, a large number of domestic media began to pay attention to and report the authenticity of Blue Mountain Coffee. Up to now, authentic Blue Mountain Coffee is still beyond the reach of most domestic consumers because of its price and supply in the mainland market. It is extremely easy to pass the brain blood barrier, stimulate the central nervous system, promote brain activity, make the mind more clear, lively and sensitive, full of thinking ability, focused, and improve work efficiency. It can stimulate the skin of the brain and improve mood, judgment and memory. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee may be the most famous coffee in the world, but in fact few people know its history and why its price is so high. The first person to introduce coffee to the island of Jamaica in 1789 was a Frenchman who escaped the French Revolution. The first coffee was cultivated to increase local consumption and export in France, and the local industry was very small in the first 100 years. However, in 1932, the Jamaican Conference Law was passed to encourage coffee farming to reduce the island's dependence on sugar exports. In order to ensure the quality of Blue Mountain Coffee, changes have been made in the "Jamaican Coffee Industry" to standardize the processing process, improve coffee quality and make marketing equal, so as to save the fate of top coffee. The Jamaican Industry Association is responsible for the quality of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. In addition, the lush smaller coffee on the island is equally good, and gives final authority to Jamaican coffee exports-all coffee must go through the Jamaican Industry Association before it can be exported.