Coffee review

The Coffee of Cliff Manor in Jamaica has a rich and mellow taste. Introduction to boutique coffee.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy. On August 6, 1962, the current Constitution entered into force. The head of state of Jamaica is the Queen of England, and the Governor of Jamaica is appointed by the Queen after being recommended by the Prime Minister to the Queen. In accordance with the provisions of the Jamaican Constitution, the Governor appoints the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives as the Prime Minister of the Government and appoints Cabinet Ministers on the basis of the Prime Minister's nomination. The Jamaican Parliament is made up of appointed and

Jamaica is a representative constitutional monarchy. On August 6, 1962, the current Constitution came into force. The head of state of Jamaica is the Queen of England, and the Governor-General of Jamaica is appointed by the Queen after nomination by the Prime Minister to the Queen of England. Under the Jamaica Constitution, the Governor-General appoints the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives as Prime Minister of Government and Cabinet Ministers on the Prime Minister's nomination. The Parliament of Jamaica consists of appointed and elected members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Jamaica Labor Party and People's National Party have been in power alternately for a long time, with stable political situation, but social problems such as unemployment, poverty, drug trafficking and violent crime are prominent. In February 2016, the Labour Party won the general election, and on March 3, Andrew Holness was sworn in as the new Prime Minister, composed of both houses of parliament, for a five-year term. There are 21 Senators appointed by the Governor-General, 13 of whom are recommended by the Prime Minister and 8 by the Leader of the Opposition. 63 members of the House of Representatives elected by universal suffrage. The current House of Representatives was elected on 29 December 2011 with 42 seats for the People's National Party and 21 seats for the Labour Party. Senate President Floyd Morris took office on May 17, 2013. Speaker of the House Michael PEART, inaugurated January 17, 2012 (1) Jamaica Labour Party (JLP): ruling party. It was established in July 1943. The Party Constitution stipulates that the Party should be founded on "healthy Christian principles" and adhere to the highest ideal of democracy. Objectively inclined to protect the interests of workers and social weak, advocating the maintenance of labor and management of their respective rights and the development of private economy. He served from 1962 to 1972, from 1980 to 1989, and from 2007 to 2011. Party leader Andrew Holness. [14]

People's National Party (PNP): opposition party. Founded in September 1938, member of the Socialist International. In 1940, he proclaimed his commitment to "socialist principles." In September 1974, the program of "democratic socialism" was put forward. He served from 1972 to 1980 and from 1989 to 2007. Party leader Portia Simpson-Miller.[15]

(3) New Jamaica Alliance (NJA): opposition party, established in June 2002, merged by National Democratic Movement (NDM), Republican Party (RPJ) and National Unity Alliance (JANU) to form National Defense Commission as the highest national defense decision-making body, with command and management power over the army. The current strength of the Defence Force is less than 4000. Among them, there are more than 2500 active duty personnel and nearly 1000 reserve personnel. The active forces are divided into three armed forces: land, sea and air, with two infantry battalions, one aviation group, one coastal defense team, one engineering battalion and one service battalion. The army is commanded by the Chief of Staff, Major-General Stewart Saunders, who took office in October 2007. the Jamaica police force and that special police force have policing and agency security role respectively

Blue Mountain Coffee is the world's most superior coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of Jamaica Island. They are surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. Therefore, they are named. Blue Mountain peak elevation of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean, is also a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, it has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all year round (average precipitation is 1980 mm, temperature is about 27 degrees). This climate has created the world-famous Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and also created the highest price coffee in the world. This kind of coffee has all the characteristics of good coffee, not only the taste is rich and mellow, but also because the sweet, sour and bitter flavors of coffee are perfectly matched, so there is no bitterness at all, only moderate and perfect sourness. Generally, they are consumed as a single item, but due to the extremely low output and extremely expensive price, coffee is generally prepared with similar taste on the market.

Jamaica ambassador confirms coffee beans never exported to China

While everyone is angry, they are also asking such a question. Can an authoritative department tell us whether China has ever imported Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica? To this end, our reporter today interviewed Jamaica's ambassador to China. Understand the cultivation environment, yield and export of pure Blue Mountain coffee. Let's hear what he has to say.

Courtney Rattray, Jamaica ambassador to China, said: (to the effect) to introduce the growing environment of Blue Mountain coffee, annual production.

In previous interviews, many coffee shops and coffee bean wholesalers, including Shangdao Coffee, said their Blue Mountain coffee beans were imported from abroad and roasted by themselves.

Coffee bean wholesaler: We bake it ourselves in China

On the island coffee staff: domestic self-baking

But Ambassador Rattray told us that so far Jamaica has not exported raw beans directly to China. The so-called import raw beans from abroad, domestic baking is obviously a lie.

Ambassador Rattray also said that even imported roasted beans must bear the Blue Mountain Coffee logo of the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board on the outer packaging. And reporters from the island coffee and wholesale market to buy blue mountain coffee beans on the outer packaging, there is no such sign.

Courtney Rattray, Jamaica Ambassador to China: Blue Mountain Coffee logo and two necessary certificates