Coffee review

Introduction of coffee flavor and taste of San Pedro Manor, Puerto Rico with good supple balance

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out and Spain was defeated. According to the Treaty of Paris, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States. The administrative jurisdiction of the United States over Puerto Rico first took the form of a military junta. During its two years of governance of the island, the junta established schools, roads, railways, hospitals and health facilities. In 1900, the United States Congress established civilian control over the island. The Governor, the Cabinet and

In 1898 the Spanish-American War broke out and Spain was defeated. According to the Treaty of Paris, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States. The administrative authority of the United States over Puerto Rico first took the form of a military government. During its two years of rule over the island, the military government built schools, roads, railways, hospitals and health facilities. In 1900, the United States Congress established civilian control over the island. The President of the United States appoints the Governor, Cabinet and one of the two houses of Puerto Rico's legislature. Puerto Rico elects the other house of the legislature and a capital-based commissioner who will represent the island's interests in Washington and have a voice but no vote in Congress. Puerto Rico is also exempt from paying U.S. taxes. On November 6, 2012, Puerto Rico again held a fourth referendum. The referendum consisted of two rounds of voting. In the first round, Puerto Rico voted on whether they wanted to change the status quo in their relationship with the United States. 1.8 million people were eligible to vote, 65,000 abstained from the first round of voting, and 54 percent of those who voted supported a change of relationship. Puerto Rico then had a choice about how to make the change, with voters choosing between statehood, extended autonomy and full independence. Only 1.3 million people voted in this round, with 61 percent supporting statehood as the 51st state, about 33 percent wanting expanded autonomy, and just 5 percent favoring full independence. Puerto Rico is a collective term for the inhabitants of the United States Puerto Rico in the Central American Caribbean. About 3.4 million people (1979). Spanish and English are spoken. More Catholic. The earliest inhabitants of Puerto Rico were Arawak and Caribbean Indians. In 2012, whites of European origin accounted for approximately 73 per cent of the total population, mestizo for 23 per cent and blacks for 4 per cent. There are also more than 20,000 Americans and immigrants from other countries. Of the economically active population, 20 per cent are engaged in industry, 17.2 per cent in commerce, 7.3 per cent in agriculture, 17 per cent in construction and transport and 33.7 per cent in services. [7]Puerto Rico nationals are full citizens of the United States and have the right to vote in national elections upon emigration to the United States mainland

Puerto Rico's new crop coffee is a mild, supple, well-balanced island bean with an attractive single-malt sweet dry aroma, extremely sweet in the cup, and a medium toasted creamy and greasy texture that is often appropriate for Puerto Rico island beans.

Product description: The history of coffee in the Caribbean Sea is closely related to the Spanish name transfer. Coffee in various places was not so important in the 18th century. The most important work was to grow sugar crops in fertile valley land. In the early 19th century (1800), the residents of Corsica Island in the French Mediterranean migrated to Puerto Rico. Because the valley land had been occupied by Spanish immigrants, they chose to settle in the southwest mountains of the island. Most of them were near Yuco City. Because of their hard work and determination, coffee cultivation brought them good returns. They dominated the island's coffee industry in the 1860s. At that time, Puerto Rico's coffee bean production was the sixth highest in the world. The coffee trees planted by Corsican immigrants in the highlands were regarded as selected, and the fruit was selected by Yuco.(Yauco Selecto) The origin of coffee beans also mainly dates back to this period. However, two severe hurricanes hit Puerto Rico in 1898. These two hurricanes destroyed the local coffee industry. Farmers had to wait two years for the crop to return to normal. During this period, the United States was very interested in sugar production in Puerto Rico. In addition, European countries no longer regarded Puerto Rico coffee beans as crops produced in their colonies and imposed tariffs. It hit Puerto Rico coffee hard.

Caribbean Sea is a warm, romantic and mysterious sea area. Many good coffees also surround this ring sea area. Jamaica Blue Mountain, Dominican Republic, Cuba Crystal Mountain, Puerto Rico Yuco, etc. These are the most famous rare and expensive coffees in the world. These island beans make people have a light milk fragrance and elegant flower fragrance. The acid is delicate and soft. Although it is still difficult to avoid the problem of easy moisture loss caused by the sultry climate of the island, the overall texture is the first-class beans in coffee. Puerto Rico coffee is not easy to buy in the market mainly because of the low production and export to Europe, coupled with the adverse effects of severe weather and hurricane damage on coffee crops, there will be no coffee to buy all year.