Coffee review

Refreshing and comfortable citrus taste of Panamanian Erida Manor Coffee Flavor Coffee introduction

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Vice President Varela, candidate of the Naamist Party, won the presidential conference.

The presidential election was won by Vice President Varela, candidate of the Namaste Party. Barrera began his term of office on July 1, 2014 for a five-year non-renewable term. The U.S. State Department said in a statement that the United States looks forward to working with the president-elect and the new administration to enhance bilateral relations. [11]

Barrera is a politician with a very distinct personality. His ruling style is more pragmatic. In the future, he may focus more on domestic economy and people's livelihood. It is worth noting that Barrera, 50, had a conflict with current President Martinelli in 2012 because of his intention to run for president and was even asked to resign as vice president. It is worth noting that after Martinelli was elected president in 2009, it was revealed that he planned to end "diplomatic" relations with Taiwan and turn to Beijing. But Beijing did not accept the invitation because it did not want to scupper prospects for improved relations with Taiwan. At that time, Panama's foreign minister was Barrera copper mine and gold mine, which had large reserves. At present, Panama ranks sixth largest copper mine country. In 2013, the output value of ore mining industry reached 430 million US dollars. The oil and natural gas reserves in the eastern strata have theoretically become the focus of the international energy industry. For the general public, if they want to leave the countryside, they can only go to the city to engage in service industry, with the service output value reaching 25.1 billion US dollars. Transportation, storage and tourism are the main sources of job opportunities. Panama's port of Gelang (including MIT, CCT and Cristobal) on the Atlantic coast and Panama's Balboa and PSA Panama ports on the Pacific coast rank first and second among the major ports in Central and South America in terms of container traffic volume. In the first quarter of fiscal year 2014, Panama Canal traffic reached a single-season record of 87.7 million tons.

The banking and insurance sectors, which are better suited to the higher end of the service sector, are the financial centre of Central America and the Caribbean, with assets of US $97.925 billion.

The tourism industry has developed rapidly since 2010, and the government has also strengthened tourism construction. In 2013, the World Economic Forum ranked 37th among 140 countries and regions, and ranked 4th in the Americas. The hotel industry continues to invest and hold international trade exhibitions as the key support objects of the government. The Nicaragua Canal will definitely have an impact on Panama after it is opened in the future. The government intends to invest in strengthening its commercial reception capacity and financial service capacity to meet the challenge.

Panama Boquete Butterfly coffee beans, said to contain 40% of the popular fried chicken coffee bean variety-Geisha coffee beans (more expensive than Blue Mountain coffee beans)

Gesha is one of the most original coffee varieties in the world. Some people call it "geisha", some people translate it as "rose summer". Her name contains gentle and floral fragrance. It is an unforgettable coffee. It is also the winner of international bidding and cup testing competitions, and has received extremely high evaluation! Good geisha coffee, will have a strong floral aroma and citrus aroma, bright and elegant acidity, soft taste of Qing Ying, at the same time extremely delicate finish!

Boquete is a volcanic area at high altitude because Baru Volcano brings fertile soil, high terrain, wet and cold air, different sunshine, abundant rainfall, and rivers flowing through it, resulting in excellent Panamanian fine coffee. This batch of coffee comes from the same production area as Emerald Manor, which happens to be located in a continuous valley and ridge, thus forming several microclimates. Coffee produced in different areas has its own characteristics. Fresh and comfortable citrus feel, bright and colorful Southeast Asian fruit feel, delicate floral intertexture exudes a very elegant and elegant flavor

The famous beans of Ailida Farm are also his washed beans, which taste clean and clear with flower fragrance. At present, Ailida Farm tries various treatment methods, including washing, sun treatment and honey treatment. It is worth mentioning that the honey treatment coffee beans of Ailida Farm combine the treatment methods of sun treatment and water washing. After the outer peel of fresh coffee berries is removed, the beans are directly fermented in the sun, which not only keeps the taste clean, At the same time, the fruit fragrance and wine fragrance produced by fermentation of solarization treatment were obtained.

This coffee bean particles are not large, round particles, due to the use of honey treatment, so the center line of the beans is not clear, beans outside have obvious traces of suet skin, color is green.

The beans can be baked medium-light and emerge towards the end of the first burst to retain their rich flavor and overall roundness.