Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of coffee flavor and taste of the balanced and elegant Paradise Bird Manor in Papua New Guinea

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Papua New Guinea is the second largest country in the South Pacific after Australia in population and area. It consists of New Guinea in the north and Papua in the south. It borders the province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia to the west and faces Australia across the Torres Strait to the south. Papua New Guinea, which belongs to Melanesia, is divided into 21 provinces and capital districts (Morse).

Papua New Guinea is the second largest country in the South Pacific after Australia in population and area. It consists of New Guinea in the north and Papua in the south. It borders the province of Irian Jaya in Indonesia to the west and faces Australia across the Torres Strait to the south. Papua New Guinea, which belongs to Melanesia, is divided into 21 provinces and capital districts (Port Moresby). The names of the provinces are as follows: central (once translated as "Central"), Northern (once translated as "North"), Chimbu, East New Britain, East Sepik, East Highlands, Enga, Gulf, Madan, Manus, Min Bay, Moroby, New Ireland, North Solomon, South Highlands, West New Britain, West Sepik, West, West Heights, Hela Province, Jiwaka Province) Papua New Guinea

Independent State position of Papua New Guinea

Independent State position of Papua New Guinea

China (The Independent State of Papua New Guinea) is referred to as Papua New Guinea. There are two theories about the origin of a Papuan: one is that the Portuguese Menezes sailed from Malacca to the Maluku Islands in 1526, but the sea breeze blew the ship to an unknown place, and the land was called Papua. It comes from the Malay word tanahpepua, which means the land of curly-haired people. Another theory is that the early Portuguese came here and asked the local residents where it was. The answer is Papua, so they put the ethnic name of Papua and the local place name. The ethnic name comes from the Malay language papuvah (curly hair) or pua-pua (dark brown). Refers to the hair and skin color of the Papuans, the main inhabitants of the island. The island of New Guinea, also known as Irian. Also known as the crocodile capital (crocodile farming is highly developed) the national emblem of Papua New Guinea was launched in 1975

National emblem of Papua New Guinea

National emblem of Papua New Guinea

The national emblem shows a bird of paradise resting on two leather drums and a spear. Bird of paradise is the national bird of Papua New Guinea, also known as the bird of paradise, is unique to Papua New Guinea, symbolizing national and national independence and freedom and happiness; leather drum and spear symbolize the traditional culture of the country. The text below is "Papua New Guinea" in English.

Papua New Guinea is an island country in the western South Pacific and a member of the Commonwealth. The name of the country consists of Papua and New Guinea. There are many small islands here, about 600 in size. It is adjacent to Indonesia and Australia to the south. It belongs to the Asia-Pacific region, but it is a country in Oceania. Located in the tropical climate, high temperature and rainy. It has rich volcanic soil.

The main crops here are coffee and coconut, and the coffee industry plays an important role in the country's economy. More than 1 million people are directly and indirectly engaged in the industry in this country. Papua New Guinea is rich in natural resources, but its economy is very backward. As one of the less developed countries in the world, many mountain residents still live a self-sufficient life of primitive tribes, only the coastal areas are relatively developed. Many farms reclaim land in the forest, some of which are in the depths of the forest, almost isolated from the rest of the world. So there are not many large-scale coffee plantations in Papua New Guinea, and about 75% of the coffee comes from small local farms. Because the country's overall economic level is backward and does not have good production conditions, the coffee output in Papua New Guinea is not high compared with other coffee-producing countries. but the quality of the coffee it produces will not be inferior to that of the big producing countries. If Indonesia Mantenin is described as an old man with years of precipitation, then Papua New Guinea is a refreshing and elegant beauty. Not only the bean body is beautiful, the flavor is also beautiful and exquisite. From the map, we can see that Papua New Guinea borders Indonesia, but it does not have the full-bodied, miscellaneous and spicy characteristics of Indonesia's Mantenin. On the contrary, the flavor of Papua New Guinea is more balanced and cleaner. As coffee in this country is widely grown in the highlands of 1300 to 1800 meters above sea level, its unique volcanic soil and abundant rainfall create excellent natural conditions for the growth of coffee; and because the local coffee varieties are introduced from the Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica, it belongs to iron card species. Coffee beans are basically washed to make the taste better and cleaner. The innate variety advantage coupled with the excellent growth environment naturally leads to high-quality coffee. Besides. The vast majority of coffee in Papua New Guinea is organic coffee, due to inconvenient transportation, there is no railway transport, there is no sound transport network, the overall economic difficulties, coffee farmers do not have the conditions to buy chemical fertilizer. On the contrary, the deficiency of production and transportation conditions has contributed to this major feature of the country's organic coffee.

The sweetness of Papua New Guinea is high, with apricot-like bright and rising acidity, the palate is balanced and full-bodied, the overall flavor is balanced and elegant, clean and smooth, with fruit aromas. Generally speaking, coffee with good acidity is difficult to guarantee a good alcohol thickness, but the commendable thing about Papua New Guinea is that it has both high quality medium acid and good alcohol thickness. The finish is long after tasting.