Coffee review

Introduction of boutique coffee beans in coffee flavor and taste areas of San Pedro Manor, Jamaica

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy. On August 6, 1962, the current Constitution entered into force. The head of state of Jamaica is the Queen of England, and the Governor of Jamaica is appointed by the Queen after being recommended by the Prime Minister to the Queen. In accordance with the provisions of the Jamaican Constitution, the Governor appoints the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives as the Prime Minister of the Government and appoints Cabinet Ministers on the basis of the Prime Minister's nomination. The Jamaican Parliament is made up of appointed and

Jamaica is a representative constitutional monarchy. On August 6, 1962, the current Constitution came into force. The head of state of Jamaica is the Queen of England, and the Governor-General of Jamaica is appointed by the Queen after nomination by the Prime Minister to the Queen of England. Under the Jamaica Constitution, the Governor-General appoints the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives as Prime Minister of Government and Cabinet Ministers on the Prime Minister's nomination. The Parliament of Jamaica consists of appointed and elected members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Jamaica Labor Party and People's National Party have been in power alternately for a long time, with stable political situation, but social problems such as unemployment, poverty, drug trafficking and violent crime are prominent. In February 2016, the Labour Party won the general election. On March 3, Andrew Holness was sworn in as the new Prime Minister. Jamaica's judicial system is based on the British judicial system. There are the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, the Court of First Instance and various specialized courts. The Privy Council of Britain is the final judicial body. The Presidents of the Houses are nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General with the consent of the Opposition for an unlimited term. Seymour PANTON, President of the Court of Appeal, took office in July 2007. Supreme Court President Zaila MCCALLA, inaugurated in June 2007, the Defence Council is the highest defence decision-making body with command and control over the armed forces. The current strength of the Defence Force is less than 4000. Among them, there are more than 2500 active duty personnel and nearly 1000 reserve personnel. The active forces are divided into three armed forces: land, sea and air, with two infantry battalions, one aviation group, one coastal defense team, one engineering battalion and one service battalion. The army is commanded by the Chief of Staff, Major-General Stewart Saunders, who took office in October 2007. the Jamaica police force and that special police force are responsible for policing and security of government agency respectively. Jamaica's coat of arms is a coat of arms with a red cross on a white ground. [18]The red cross symbolizes Jamaica people's belief in Christianity and Catholicism. Five golden pineapples hang down and are distributed in the square and intersection of the cross, showing that Jamaica's planting industry is developed. A green crocodile lies at the top of the coat of arms; a yellow band with the words "Excellence, One Nation" in English is decorated at the base of the coat of arms. On each side was an Arawak Indian wearing a bright headdress and red and green feather skirts; the young woman on the left held the coat of arms in her left hand and a basket of pineapples in her right hand; the young man on the right held the coat of arms in his right hand and a longbow in his left hand. It shows the determination of the people of Jamaica to strive for the prosperity and strength of their motherland.

When you say Jamaica, your eyes light up because it produces the best Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, it has a good balance of acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness, it tastes fragrant and tastes very smooth; however, it is too expensive, and although it is worth trying, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffees also have their own characteristics, and taste delicious, the price is reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Wallenford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former having the best quality; today's "Jamaica Blue Mountain" refers to coffee beans grown in the Blue Mountain region (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now the largest estate in the country, M.B.C. F is printed on its barrels, and its products are often found in Taiwan. Jamaica Blue Mountain is a very strict quality control, by the government "Coffee Industry Council" certification work.

Coffee beans generally grown at low altitudes and other regions can only be called "Jamaica mountain beans" or "Jamaica washed beans." Compared with Jamaica Blue Mountain, the flavor is much different. However, these producing areas are twice the area of the real Blue Mountain region and account for 75% of the country's production. Therefore, when buying Jamaica coffee, don't think that you have bought Blue Mountain coffee.

Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee." Basically, this is a comprehensive product prepared by the store itself. There may be no real Jamaica Blue Mountain bean. The Jamaica government established the Jamaica Coffee Industry Council in 1950. The Jamaica Coffee Industry Board sets quality standards for Jamaica coffee and oversees the implementation of quality standards to ensure the quality of Jamaica coffee. The Commission awards a special official seal to Jamaica's exports of green and roasted coffee and is the world's highest national coffee authority. Those that can represent the origin of Blue Mountain Coffee include Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (M.B.C. F), Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Factory (M.H.C.C.T.), Portland Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Plant (P.X.X.S.H.), Coffee Industry Association (Wallenford), Coffee Industry Association (St. John's Peak) and Blue (J.A.S.) 6 kinds of logo.

By 1969, the situation had improved, as Japanese loans had improved the quality of production and thus secured the market. By now, the coffee has reached the point of being fanatically loved.

By 1981, about 1500 hectares of land in Jamaica had been cleared for coffee, followed by another 6000 hectares. In fact, today's Blue Mountain region is a small area of only 6000 hectares, and it is impossible that all the coffee labeled "Blue Mountain" is grown there. Another 12000 hectares are devoted to growing two other types of coffee: alpine premium coffee and Jamaica premium coffee