Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of coffee flavor and taste of El Salvador Mercedes Manor with lubricated taste

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, El Salvador, located in the northwest of Central America and bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the south, is one of the birthplaces of the ancient Mayan civilization. The nearby volcanoes, plateaus, lakes and bathing beaches along the Pacific coast are all very pleasant. But El Salvador is most famous for its unique, mild-flavored coffee. El Salvador is one of the small countries in Central America with a very dense population. this

El Salvador, located in the northwest of Central America and bordering the Pacific Ocean in the south, is one of the birthplaces of ancient Mayan civilization. The volcanoes, plateaus, lakes and bathing beaches along the Pacific coast are all very pleasant. But El Salvador is best known for its unique, mild-tasting coffee.

El Salvador is one of the small countries of Central America and has a very dense population. People love coffee here. Salvadoran coffee tastes well balanced. Salvadoran coffee exports account for 40 per cent of national exports. The best quality coffee is exported from January to March each year, and 35% of the extra hard beans are exported to Germany. In the early 1990s, El Salvador's national economy was greatly damaged or even destroyed due to the impact of war. Coffee production dropped from 3.5 million bags in the early 1970s to 2.5 million bags in 1990 - 1991.

In El Salvador, Cusca-Bapa produces the finest coffee beans, which are slightly lighter in weight, aromatic, pure and slightly acidic. Like Guatemala and Costa Rica, coffee in El Salvador is graded according to altitude, with the higher the altitude, the better the coffee. The best brand is Pip, whose quality has been recognized by the American Organic Certification Society. Another rare coffee is Pakmara coffee, a hybrid of Pacas coffee and Malagojipi coffee, best grown in western El Salvador, adjacent to Santa Ana, near the border with Guatemala. Pakmara coffee is full in grains but not too strong in aromas. Like Guatemala and Costa Rica, Salvadoran coffee is graded according to altitude, with the higher the altitude, the better the coffee. The best brand is Pipil, the Aztec-Mayan name for coffee, which has been endorsed by the Organic Certified lnstitute of America. Another rare coffee is Pacamara, a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogype. The coffee is best grown in western El Salvador, adjacent to Santa Ana, near the border with Guatemala. Pakmara coffee is full of particles but not strong in flavor. Guatemala coffee is known for its smoke. Cuban coffee is known for its tobacco flavor. Salvadoran coffee does not have its own "trademark", but that is not to say that its taste is not characteristic. Aromatic taste slightly sour, very soft; pure without impurities; although there is no obvious depth, but the taste balance is excellent. This is also the biggest characteristic of Salvadoran coffee, it seems to have no personality, but it is very balanced and stable.

Lubricating Taste

Salvadoran coffee has an excellent taste and an impressive creamy chocolate smooth feel. Although Salvadoran coffee has no distinct personality, the dense feel of coffee in the mouth makes the taste more complete and deeper.