Coffee review

Description of roasting degree of coffee flavor varieties in Panamanian jadeite manor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1534, King Carlos I of Spain ordered an exploration of the isthmus of Panama, and the Spaniards paved a post road through the isthmus with cobblestones along the ridge, in preparation for digging. Since the 18th century, the Spanish colonial government has sent personnel to explore four alternative sites: the Twantepec isthmus in southern Mexico, and the Alatto River in northwestern Colombia.

In 1534, King Carlos I of Spain ordered an exploration of the isthmus of Panama, and the Spaniards paved a post road through the isthmus with cobblestones along the ridge, in preparation for digging. Since the 18th century, the Spanish colonial government has sent personnel to explore four alternative sites: the Twantepec isthmus in southern Mexico; a location near the Atrato River in northwestern Colombia; the isthmus in Nicaragua; and the isthmus in Panama. In 1771, the Twantepec Gorge was explored, and in 1814, when Spain finally decided to build a canal, the outbreak of the Latin American War of Independence upset the whole plan. 1823

The species of Geisha was discovered in the Rose Summer Forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, in Costa Rica in 1953, and Panama was introduced in the 1970s by Francesca of Dongba Seven Farm Garden. Mr. Serraxin got the seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and started growing Rosa Coffee, which is hard to come by because of its low production and bidding.

Rose summer coffee

Rose summer coffee

History editor

In 1931, it was exported to Kenya in obscurity from Geisha Mountain Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia, wandered to Tanzania and Costa Rica, was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s, and then went through nearly half a century before it became a blockbuster, beating the victorious armies of Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai and Tibika to win the first prize of the Panamanian National Treasure Bean Cup Test Competition in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In 2007, the International famous Bean Cup Test sponsored by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) won the championship again, and the bidding price was sold at US $130 per pound, setting a record for the highest price in the history of competition beans. It is reported that the later Panamanian national treasure bean competition will be divided into two groups: Rose Summer and non-Rose Summer, so as not to be robbed of the brilliance of other varieties by Rose Summer. Rosa is a member of the Tibika family, but it became famous more than 70 years after leaving Ethiopia, and fulfilled the saying that Ethiopia is a treasure trove of Arabica genes. Giving a variety to go abroad is enough to stir up trouble in the coffee market.

Geisha, which is grown in many parts of the world, is the new king of boutique coffee, with high quality and high prices in Latin American countries such as Panama, Guatemala and Colombia. Coffee was first brought to Panama by European settlers in the 19th century. In the past, Panamanian coffee did not have a good reputation, and its output was only 1 / 10 of that of its neighbor Costa Rica, but now the coffee industry's focus on boutique coffee has made Panama more and more interested in growing coffee.

Panama's geographical advantage is that it has many distinctive microclimate areas suitable for coffee cultivation, and Panama also has many persistent and professional coffee growers. This means there will be a lot of very good coffee in Panama, but these coffees are often associated with high prices.

The high price of coffee in Panama is mainly caused by the following factors:

Land price: for the people of North America, they very much want to buy a stable and beautiful land at a low price. Panama is such a place;

More farmers in Panama grow coffee for export in the name of manors to emphasize their own manors;

Panamanian labor law has higher requirements for labor employment, so the coffee industry has to pay higher wages, which has to be paid by consumers.

Esmeralda Manor

When it comes to coffee prices, we should pay great attention to a manor in Panama, and it can even be said that so far, no other single estate has had such an impact on coffee farming in Central America. This is Esmeralda Manor, which belongs to and is run by the Peterson family.