Coffee review

Peruvian Coffee Flavor description Variety characteristics of High-quality Coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1542, the Spanish royal family set up the Government House in Lima and established the Governor's District of Peru, which became the center of Spanish colonial rule in South America. At that time, Peruvian commerce was prosperous, merchants controlled most of South America's import and export trade, and the precious metals and other goods looted by the Spaniards from South America were shipped out of Peru. The colonists encroached on land in Peru, forced the Mita system, and forced the Indians to

In 1542, the Spanish royal family set up the Government House in Lima and established the Governor's District of Peru, which became the center of Spanish colonial rule in South America. At that time, Peruvian commerce was prosperous, merchants controlled most of South America's import and export trade, and the precious metals and other goods looted by the Spaniards from South America were shipped out of Peru. The colonists seized land wantonly in Peru and forced the "Mita system", forcing the Indians to engage in slave labor in the mines, resulting in a large number of Indian deaths. In order to oppose the Spanish colonial rule, the Indians held many uprisings, including the Manco uprising in 1535, the Juan Santos uprising in 1742 and the Tupac Amaru uprising in 1780-1781. The whole territory is divided into three regions from west to east: the western coastal area is a long and narrow arid zone, a tropical desert region, with a dry and mild climate, a plain with intermittent distribution, developed irrigated agriculture and a concentrated urban population; the central mountain plateau is mainly the middle part of the Andes, with an average elevation of about 4300 meters, the birthplace of the Amazon River. The eastern part is the Amazon tropical rain forest region, which belongs to the upper reaches of the Amazon River, the foothills and alluvial plains, with high temperature and rain all the year round, forests and sparsely populated areas. It is a newly developed oil producing area in Peru.

Coffee producing areas in Peru:

Up to 98% of Peruvian coffee is grown in forest areas, and most producers are small farmers.

Peru's finest coffee is produced in Chanchmayo, Cuzco, Norte and Puno. Most Peruvian coffee is grown under natural conditions, but it is also difficult to confirm the cultivation of all coffee trees. Coffee grown under natural conditions costs 10% more than others. Judging from poverty, farmers may not have the money to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but it is really difficult to confirm all the coffee.

Peruvian coffee features:

The quality of Peruvian coffee is comparable to that of any kind of coffee in Central or South America.

Flavor: balanced taste and delicious acidity

Suggested roasting method: medium to deep roasting, can be made into high-quality mixed coffee suitable for various uses

★: general

Peruvian coffee market:

The private Peruvian Coffee exporters Association (ComeradeExportadoresdeCafedelPeru) has been established, which is committed to improving the quality of coffee. Its primary task is to set standards and eliminate inferior products, so as to create an atmosphere of quality supremacy. This positive move heralds a bright future for the coffee industry. Since then, rising prices have encouraged farmers to actively grow coffee rather than cocoa, the region's traditional cash crop.