Coffee review

Dominica Coffee Flavor description Grinding characteristics introduction of Fine Coffee beans in producing areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The average annual rainfall in Dominica is 1346 mm. Affected by the mountain topography, the rainfall is mainly concentrated in the north and east of many countries. The north and east face the northeast trade wind, the annual precipitation reaches 1500-2500 mm, belongs to the tropical maritime climate, the mountain forest is dense, the leeward southwest annual precipitation is 500-1000 mm, the dry season is longer, belongs to the savanna climate. The year of many countries

The average annual rainfall in Dominica is 1346 mm. Affected by the mountain topography, the rainfall is mainly concentrated in the north and east of many countries. The north and east face the northeast trade wind, the annual precipitation reaches 1500-2500 mm, belongs to the tropical maritime climate, the mountain forest is dense, the leeward southwest annual precipitation is 500-1000 mm, the dry season is longer, belongs to the savanna climate. The average annual temperature in many countries ranges from 25 degrees Celsius (coastal area) to 21 degrees Celsius (mountain area). The rainy season is from May to November, and the hurricane season is from June to November. Many countries are surrounded by the sea on three sides and lack of natural barriers, and they are often hit by hurricanes in summer and autumn, coupled with inadequate domestic infrastructure, and landfall by hurricanes or a large number of Rain Water will often cause floods and debris flows in various places. Dominican rivers are short and the water is fast. There are mainly the North Yak River, which flows through the Siwao Valley, and the Yuna River, which flows through the Begarea Plain in the northeast, both of which have the advantages of irrigation and power generation. The river is widespread, including four major river systems. The Yaque del Norte, which develops from the Central Mountains, is the main and longest river in Dominica, which irrigates the fertile Cibao Valley and finally goes out to sea from the bay of the Quito Mountains in the northwest. The Yuna River stretching to the east of the Central Mountains flows through the Vega Real (Royal Prairie) to the east and flows into the bay of Saman á (Samina) to the northeast. Yaque del Sur (South Yagai River) south of the Central Mountains irrigates the San Laan Valley to the south and flows to the Caribbean. The Artibonito River (320km long) rises from the Central Mountains and flows westward. Although it is the longest river on the island, the Artibonito River mainly flows through the country and is the most important river in Haiti. The largest lake in Dominica is Lake Enriquillo (300sq km), located in the southwest of many countries, which is 40 meters below sea level and is a saltwater lake with dry climate. There are also many lagoons on the coast.

The earliest coffee in Dominica was introduced from Martinique (the overseas province of France), dating back to the early 18th century. Dominica is an island country with a tropical climate, with little change in temperature throughout the year. Except for the lower temperature in the Central Cordillera Mountains, which can reach less than 0 ℃ in winter, the average annual temperature in other areas is between 25 and 30 ℃, while affected by the mountain topography, the north and east face the northeast trade wind with an annual precipitation of 1500-2500 mm, which belongs to tropical maritime climate. The mountain forest is dense, the leeward southwest annual precipitation is 500-1000 mm, the dry season is long, belongs to the savanna climate.

The temperate climate in Dominica is conducive to coffee cultivation, and the best places to grow coffee are the Barahona region in the southwest and the Cibao Valley north of Santiago, Dominica's second largest city. The northern region, represented by Hibao, and the southern region, including Okayabani Santo Domingo, produce good coffee. Among them, the coffee produced by Santo Domingo and Barney is world-famous and is almost synonymous with domiga coffee.

Dominica-White Beach and Black Coffee

Coffee in Dominica varies slightly in taste according to the altitude of the region where it is grown, with sour but rich taste in the highlands, and less sour and smoother taste in the lowlands. The high-quality coffee beans produced by some Dominican estates have a rich aroma, mellow taste and moderately bright sour taste, and are often compared with those from Puerto Rico or Jamaica.

Dominica-White Beach and Black Coffee

Turning to the introduction of Dominican coffee, the most distinctive features are fresh and elegant, full of particles, excellent acidity and pleasant flavor (two colleagues agree with this). Such flavor characteristics are not only related to varieties and soil quality, but also closely related to the picking and handling of raw beans. Coffee in Dominica is selected by the manual method with the highest cost, and workers mainly consider the fullness of coffee granules and the uniformity of coffee granules. According to these conditions, the coffee beans with the fullest and most uniform grains can represent the best quality in Dominica. The finest coffee. And only use the washing treatment method to ensure the high quality and stability of the coffee beans. the coffee beans treated with water washing have a cleaner taste and emit a touch of pure and soft aroma, which can make people feel a faint fruity aroma and a winding aftertaste. Smooth and smooth