Coffee review

Simple and mild flavor description treatment of Ugandan coffee beans introduction to the taste of varieties

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The characteristics of coffee, taste mild and simple, with a papaya flavor. Dry aroma (1-5): 3.2 wet aroma (1-5): 3.4 acidity (brightness) (1-10): 8 taste (stratification) (1-10): 8.5 taste (alcohol thickness) (1-5): 4 aftertaste (residue) (1-10): 8.1 balance (1-5): 0 basic score (50): 50 total score (maximum 10)

The characteristics of coffee, taste mild and simple, with a papaya flavor.

Dry aroma (1-5): 3.2

Wet aroma (1-5): 3.4

Acidity (brightness) (1-10): 8

Taste (layered) (1-10): 8.5

Taste (alcohol thickness) (1-5): 4

Aftertaste (residue) (1-10): 8.1

Balance (1-5): 0

Basic score (50): 50

Total score (maximum 100): 85.2

Strength / main properties: medium strength / high oil content, simple and mild

Recommended baking degree: full city or full city+

Contrast: a unique African coffee, very similar to Indonesian coffee

Uganda is a landlocked country in eastern Africa, across the equator, most of the territory is located in the Central African Plateau, lakes, with an average elevation of 1,000,000m above sea level, with many lakes and plateaus in the mountains, known as "plateau water villages". The western branch of the East African Rift Valley runs through the western border, with many rivers and lakes at the bottom of the valley. Uganda has a great Victoria lake, coupled with the high mountains, which makes Uganda a mild climate suitable for growing coffee, although it spans both sides of the equator.

The coffee growing industry in Uganda is one of the pillar industries of its exports. Uganda is the birthplace of Robsta in Africa, just as Ethiopia is the origin of Arabica coffee, while Robster coffee was first discovered in Uganda. So far, Uganda has a history of growing coffee for more than 100 years. At the same time, Uganda is one of the few major countries in Africa dedicated to the production of organic coffee. In Uganda (Uganda), Arabica coffee beans account for only 15% of the country's total coffee production. Uganda's best coffee is mainly produced in the mountains of Elgon and Bugisu along the Kenyan border in the northeast and Ruwensori in the west.