Coffee review

European Fine Coffee Association 3806 Standard Gold Cup proportion Certificate scaa or scae which is more useful

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, European coffee culture. When Europeans first came into contact with coffee, they called the seductive drink Arabian wine, and when conservative Catholics cursed coffee as the devil's drink, they never thought of what a precious thing they inherited from the pagans. Now in Europe, coffee culture can be said to be a very mature form of culture.

European coffee culture.

When Europeans first came into contact with coffee, they called the seductive drink "Arabian wine", and when conservative Catholics cursed coffee as "the drink of the devil Satan", they would never think of what a precious thing they inherited from the infidel.

Now in Europe, coffee culture can be said to be a very mature form of culture. from the entry of coffee into this continent to the emergence of the first coffee shop in Europe, coffee culture is developing at an extremely rapid speed, showing extremely exuberant vitality.

In Vienna, Austria, coffee and music, waltz dance are also known as the "three treasures of Vienna", which shows the far-reaching significance of coffee culture.

When Americans drink coffee, they have no rules and are laissez-faire, just the opposite of Europeans. Europeans pay attention to a kind of sentiment and a kind of romance in making coffee. Americans drink coffee freely, and at the same time, coffee goes deep into their lives and is difficult to separate, and the influence is so deep that it is not considered a life without coffee.

Americans can't do without coffee almost 24 hours a day, whether at home, in the office, in public, or at a roadside vending machine. Generally speaking, life in the United States is rather busy and tense, unlike people in Europe and the Middle East who can enjoy life in a leisurely mood. When drinking coffee, it is often a large pot of electric filter coffee, from morning to night, because there is too much water and less coffee. The taste is particularly weak, so many people criticize that American coffee is really bad.

All over the United States, coffee addicts can still taste their favorite coffee flavor with a little more effort. If pure American coffee is divided into two categories, the east coast of the United States is stronger than the west coast, and the south is stronger than the north. Ethnically, immigrants from southern Europe and Latinos prefer strong coffee to those from Britain, Germany and northern Europe.

There is a coffee shop in Dale Meyer in Munich, Germany. Its coffee was once famous for being a favorite of the Bayer royal family. 1 Starbucks Starbucks (American brand, Chinese well-known trademark) 2 Royal Copenhagen RoyalCopenhagen (enjoy the highest quality honor) 3 UCC (founded in Japan in 1933, famous brand) 4 Maxwell (Maxwell) (more than 100 years history, American brand) 5 Nestle Nescafe (1866 Switzerland National inspection-free product) 6 Shangdao Coffee (founded in Taiwan, China in 1968) 7 Virgiwood Wedgwood (born in England in the mid-17th century) 8 LAVAZZA (Italy, 1895, the largest coffee company) 9 Chris Coffee KreisKaffee (1963 Germany) 10 Grant Coffee GrandosCoffee (famous German coffee brand)