Coffee review

Introduction to the Variety characteristics of Coffee Flavor description method in Sidamo Shachisuo, Ethiopia

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, Sidamo coffee beans Ethiopia is the hometown of Arabica coffee, and it is in the forests of the Kaffa region that you can see wild Arabica coffee. In Ethiopian, coffee is called Bun or Buna, and coffee beans (coffeebean) may be translated from Kaffa Bun. Arabica was discovered early in Harald (Harar).

Sidamo coffee beans

Ethiopia is the hometown of Arabica coffee, and it is in the forests of Kaffa that you can see wild Arabica coffee. In Ethiopian, coffee is called "Bun" or "Buna". Coffee beans (coffeebean) may be translated from "Kaffa Bun". Arabica coffee has long been found in the Harald area, probably from the Kafa forest.

Essel coffee is processed by two processing methods: sun and water washing. The flavor of coffee processed by different processing methods is very different. Generally speaking, the alcohol thickness and soil taste of washed Sidamo, Yirgacheffe and Limmu coffee are slightly lower, and the taste of sun-processed coffee is more wild. But Ethiopian coffee may taste different from batch to batch, which requires more cup tests in order to find a really good coffee. Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe coffee, though petite, is gentle, delicate and sweet. As the hometown of coffee, thousands of years of planting history and processing tradition in Ethiopia have created high-quality washed Arabica beans. Light baking has unique sweet aromas of lemon, flowers and honey, soft acidity and citrus flavors, fresh and bright on the palate. No milk or sugar, let the rich texture and unique soft flower scent brush your taste buds, leaving an endless aftertaste of Essel's geographical environment is very suitable for coffee growth. Coffee is mainly grown in the southern highlands between 1100 and 2300 meters above sea level. The main coffee producing areas are Harar, Limu, Djimma, Sidamo, Kaffa, Yergacheffe and Wellega. The soil in these areas is well drained, slightly acidic and red loose.

Ethiopian coffee is harvested once a year. The beautiful white coffee flowers bloom from March to April, and then the fruit begins to grow. From September to December, the red coffee fruit is ripe for picking. The new season of coffee from November to December began to export coffee produced by villages that grow coffee in large areas, accounting for about 35% of the country's total coffee production. These coffee farms, which use a multi-tier coffee planting system, are carefully cared for. Coffee farmers do not use chemical fertilizers, but use fallen leaves and animal and plant debris to increase soil nutrition. In addition to coffee, farmers also frequently grow non-coffee crops. Even manor coffee (coffee produced by state-owned farms), which accounts for 5% of the country's total coffee production, shows the characteristics of forest coffee production.

Located in the most advantaged natural conditions, Ethiopia produces unique high-quality coffee every year. Ethiopia's coffee growing cycle brings the joy of harvest to the country every year. Beautiful white coffee flowers will bloom and bear fruit every year from March to April. Only the reddest and ripe fruits are selected as coffee ingredients between September and about December. The export of new coffee starts in November or December every year.