Coffee review

Introduction to the quality characteristics of sunburn plus snow fern G1 coffee flavor description treatment method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yega Xuefei Coffee introduces that the quality of New Yejassefi in 2015 is gradually improving compared with the previous years, inheriting the excellent quality of sun-dried beans. Compared with the washed beans in the same year, this batch of sun-treated beans are obviously rich and strong in the level of aroma. For the Yega Chuefei variety with a large overall output, if you want to really experience the quality of Ethiopian coffee beans

Yerga Shefi Coffee Introduction

In 2015, the quality of the new Yega Shefi is gradually increasing compared to previous years, inheriting the excellent quality of sun-dried beans. This batch of sun-cured beans was significantly richer and more intense on the aroma level than the washed beans of the same year. Sun-dried beans are the only choice for the yega-sherffy variety, which has a high overall yield, if you want to get a real taste of Ethiopian coffee beans

In the past, the yejia snow treated by solarization method was criticized for having many miscellaneous tastes, uneven bean quality, and too many defective beans. The improved solarization process over the past decade has improved the purity of the current solarized yeja sherry flavor, and the aroma of fermented pulp has become more pronounced. But the price is more manpower and higher costs. In addition, the natural yield of solarization treatment method is lower than that of washing method, so that the yield of solarized beans has been lower than that of washed beans, and the cost is much higher than that of washed beans. However, this ensures that the sun-dried beans can be taken out, and the flavor and taste are greatly ahead of the washed beans on the market.

Ethiopia, the original home of coffee beans and the original producer of Arabica coffee beans, has the richest and most primitive surviving coffee population in the world compared to other coffee producing countries. As one of Ethiopia's many varieties, Yegashefi is also a variety that has risen rapidly in recent years. Yirgacheffe was originally a small area within Sidamo, but due to its excellent quality and unique flavor, it gradually became an independent variety, representing one of the best Ethiopian coffees.

As sun-baked beans, they are classified into Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade4 and Grade 5 from best to worst. Grade 1 is the highest grade, i.e. the lowest defect rate and the best quality of Yega sherry: distinct rum, plum, peach, fermented citrus and honey

Humid: peach sweetness and citrus peel, peach, caramel, cocoa, sweet finish with ripe nuts and toffee aromas. After drinking, there is a clear nutty taste in the glass.

Acid: Soft and low, not obvious

Body: Pure but bright taste, with a very rapid release of sweet and fruity flavors. Body mellow but not sloppy.


Yega Shefi is known for its gentle and balanced taste, but after high sun treatment, Yega Shefi suddenly shows a rich and complex fragrance and layer, far from the style of washed Yega, but it is also Yega but unique. It is worth a try.