Coffee review

Guatemala Coffee Flavor description method Variety characteristics introduction of Fine Coffee beans in Manors in producing areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Guatemalan Coffee Flavor Manor is planted with bourbon species, Kaddura, Pacamara, etc., with a total area of 205acres (4046.8 square meters per acre), of which 173acres are used to grow coffee. Another 32 acres of native forest is home to various local wild species. There are several natural springs on the farm, which provide for coffee plantations during the dry season

Guatemalan coffee flavor

The estate is planted with bourbon species, Kaddura, Pacamara, etc., with a variety of varieties. Of the 205acres (4046.8 square meters per acre) of the farm, 173acres are used to grow coffee. Another 32 acres of native forest is home to a variety of local wild species. There are several natural springs on the farm that provide adequate and high-quality irrigation for coffee plantations during the dry season, and they are also the power source for coffee processing plants (water for water treatment).

Access to the Rainforest Alliance (Rainforest

Alliance) certification, because all the coffee trees on the farm are completely under the shade of the forest, which makes the soil rich in organic matter, even if planted for a long time, the soil quality will not gradually deteriorate, and the steep hillside of the whole farm is also an important consideration (the Rainforest Alliance is willing to certify the farm). All of the above environmental factors: fertile soil, God-given good water and high altitude. This unique and excellent microclimate makes the farm particularly suitable for growing high-quality coffee.

The volcano once destroyed the once-prosperous capital in an instant, robbing it of all its prosperity and beauty overnight. After this subversive mountain city, the splendor has disappeared for more than 200 years, and Antigua has never swaggered again. After being dull, Antigua is now run by the last remaining Indians. These hardworking Indians became later coffee producers. They not only discovered the rich and attractive unique smell of Antigua coffee, but also brought it to people all over the world. Today, Antigua coffee enjoys a reputation as the best quality coffee in the world, and is praised by coffee connoisseurs as the best and most distinctive coffee aroma in the world, liberating all forms, minds and national boundaries. Through coffee, the mood leaves the country at any time and lands in a strange country half a world away. Even at the end of the world, you can share a mood. Antigua was the capital of the Spanish colonial period in 1543. Although this emerald-like valley has been surrounded by active volcanoes in all directions, layered, deliberately waiting for development and full of danger since ancient times, its vastness, vastness and fertility still tempted the Spaniards to build their capital in the precarious cliff valley at that time.