Coffee review

Flavor description of Salvadoran coffee beans introduction to the grinding scale of the treatment method in the manor area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The flavor description of Salvadoran coffee beans the grinding scale of the processing method in the manor region introduces that the rarest coffee beans on the market in Ethiopia are Yirgachaffe coffee beans, which are exported to Japan and Europe, but are rarely seen in the United States. This is because Dallmeyer, the German coffee roaster owned by Nestle, is the same company.

Flavor description of Salvadoran coffee beans introduction to the grinding scale of the treatment method in the manor area

One of the rarest Ethiopian coffee beans on the market is Yirgachaffe, which is exported to Japan and Europe but is rarely seen in the United States. This is because Dallmeyer, a German coffee roaster owned by Nestle, has established a close relationship with the growers of Yega Snow Coffee, thus obtaining the largest single supply of this kind of coffee beans, the Sidamo Gedeo region of Sidamo Province.

Today, Ethiopia is an important coffee producer, with about 12 million people engaged in coffee production and a major exporter of Arabica coffee beans in Africa. The high-quality coffee here is of excellent quality and is worth looking for. A variety of coffee cultivation methods can be found in Ethiopia: everything from wild coffee forests and semi-developed land to traditionally operated plots to modern plantations. About 50% of the coffee is grown at an altitude of more than 1500 meters.

In 1959, the Yega snow coffee producing area began to try the water washing method. After 1970, the jasmine fragrance of Yega was washed, and the lemon and citrus flavor was popular in Europe and America. It became a model of fine beans in Africa, and the sun treatment was gradually drifting away from Shifei.

However, there are always people who will miss the feeling of the wonderful wine in the sun, which was improved in 2006. In the second Gold Co-operative Coffee Competition held in Ethiopia, sun beans dominated the top three, killing and washing Yega.

Today, the exquisite method of tanning is becoming more and more mature. High standard elimination of bad coffee beans, reduce pollution sources, elevated net bed, special guard, uniform drying. Rich aromas of strawberries, citrus, peach and jasmine, red wine has been popular all the way up to now.

Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe coffee is one of the most unique coffee beans in the world today: it has a strong aroma of flowers, lemon, strong acidity but soft and smooth taste.

Like the little Jasper of Suzhou, although she is petite, she is gentle and delicate, sweet and lovely, and can attract thousands of favorites without any decoration. Medium baked Yega snow coffee has unique sweet aromas of lemon, flowers and honey, soft acidity and citrus flavors, fresh and bright on the palate.

[product name]: Ethiopia Yejasuffe (Ethiopia Yirgacheffe)

[quality rating]: WP Grade 2

[baking degree]: moderate baking is recommended (Medium Roast or City Roast)

[grade]: excellent

[particles]: ★ plump

[acidity]: ★★★★ slightly sour, dark chocolate aftertaste

[equilibrium]: ★★★★ is very stable

[flavor]: very unique, delicate and rich taste, with fruit and wild flavor of the wine.

[coffee producing areas]: Gedeo District, Sidamo Province, Ethiopia (EthiopiaSidamo)

[raw bean treatment]: washing and refining method

[special point]: the coffee tree originated in Ethiopia, which was originally a wild plant here. The name "coffee" comes from the Ethiopian town "Kaffa". In fact, many coffee trees in Ethiopia are still wild plants, and the coffee grown on this coffee tree is full-grained and slightly alcoholic.